Part 8: More Words of Wisdom from the Awesomely Unwise

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Part 8: More Words of Wisdom From the Awesomely Unwise

You have to live for something, let something give you the strength to fight. Look inside your heart and you will find that something.

What is meant to be, is meant to be. And what isn't, will be a fond memory.

The best way to fix your mistakes is to admit them, apologize and forgive yourself for making them. It's up to you to change them or let go.

If you love someone, you understand them and forgive them. You accept who they are, not who you want them to be.

Everyone has a right to their feelings, to make the choices that are best for them and to be happy. 

If you are truly loved then you will be accepted, no matter the circumstance or its consequences.

 You can't be responsible for everyone all of the time. You have to be responsible for you and do what is best for you.

Sometimes we hurt people but it’s not our fault and can’t be helped.  They have to accept it and so do we. That is just the way life is. Sometimes we just have to let it go.

When you love someone, sometimes they hurt you, even if they don't mean to, so hurt is inevitable. It hurts because you love them so much and love is always a good thing. So if it doesn't hurt, it isn't love.

Whatever happens will happen, but don't let it affect you too much. Try to accept it and deal with it in a positive way.

Love hurts, that's unavoidable, but it's also the price that must be paid for loving someone.

Choices are the reality of life. They have to be made and sometimes the decision is difficult and painful. Base your decisions on you and how you feel. Once your decisions are made, they need to be accepted so you can move on.  

Doing what is best for yourself is always a good thing, even when it hurts.

When it feels like all is lost, look inside your heart and you will find your reason to be found.

Everyone has that issue at one point or another. You aren’t alone in that so please remember that we all have struggles.

When you feel weak, look inside your heart. You will find me there and I will give you my strength.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2011 ⏰

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