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"This is going to sound crazy, but...from the moment I first set eyes on you I haven't been able to stop thinking about you." - Leigh Fallon

||CHAPTER 2 ||

I WAS STUNNED WHEN WE REACHED THE MALL. I never expected it to be so huge.

Looking at the size of it, I was glad that I asked Mike to come along with me. If Matt left me here all alone, I'd either get lost in this maze or be bored because I had no one walking with me in this huge space.

"Thank God you came here with me." I said as he parked at an empty space. Parking was hard to find, just like in any other mall.

"Haha. Why do you say that?" As if the answer wasn't obvious enough.

"Because this place is huge?" I said in a "duh" tone. He just chuckled as we made our way in. "Okay. I'll need to get new clothes, a pair of new shoes, some stationeries and food."

He nodded and lead the way. "Let's go then." He brought me to many shops selling clothes and trendy outfits.

I just chose some clothes that looked nice and comfortable. He waited for me outside the changing room and I would come out a few times to show him how I looked. I didn't want him to get bored so that was my only way of entertaining him.

"This one looks great. You should get it." He would compliment me sometimes. I would just listen to his advice and buy whatever he said looked great.

Honestly, I didn't need a long time to decide what to buy. I didn't take a long time changing and I'm sure I took a shorter time choosing.

I bought 4 bags of clothes which should last me more than a month. Mike carried 3 bags of the clothes for me even though I insisted that I was capable of carrying them myself.

Then he'll say that I was not allowing him to be a gentleman. And I gave up. But to repay Mike, I got him some clothes and pants.

"You're very fast considering you're a girl." He said as he lead me to a shop selling all kinds of shoes. Sport shoes, sneakers, stilettos, you name it, they have it.

"Well, I don't really care about my appearance. What matters most is the inside after all." I shrugged as I browsed through the racks.

I saw a pair of black Nike shoes and decided to get them for Matt. He loved Nike and black so he would definitely love this.

A pair of light blue flats with a ribbon tied on top caught my eye and I ended up getting them. The price was reasonable and the design was simple, just like how I like it.

"Two down. Two to go. Can we get food first? I'm starving already." I told him, gently rubbing my stomach. He responded with a chuckle so I asked him and what was so funny.

"Nothing actually. You're different and I like it. I'm glad that you're not like other girls that starve themselves just to be skinnier. Who do they want to impress anyways?" He said, shaking his head in disappointment.

"If a girl wants to impress her crush, she really shouldn't be with him if he only likes her for her body. If her crush really likes her, he would surely love her unconditionally, not bothering about her body or face." I nodded in agreement at what he said. I definitely wouldn't be with a guy if he likes me for my looks. That was a mistake I made, and I won't repeat the same.

"After all, we were born into this world so that we can enjoy life. And eating is one of the greatest pleasures in life." I smiled cheekily, entering a restaurant.

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