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"And where are you off to?" A sharp, expectant voice sounded behind him.

He slowly turned to face the cat behind him, lashing his thick white tail. "To get out of this Starclan-forsaken forest. And away from you." By the way her eyes widened slightly, he knew that he was most likely the first cat ever who had dared say such a thing.

NoName narrowed her glowing white eyes and he saw her lift a warning paw, shadows forming around it. "Watch your mouth, Zeye. I am the one in charge here."

"Not with me. There's no cat who can boss me around." Zeye kept his gaze glued to that paw of her's. If she so much as twitched it, he'd be gone in a heartbeat. The memories of what her shadows could do to him were still fresh in his mind. He hated her so much more after that. He hated being in her presence. He hated the Dark Forest. He hated her idiotic siblings escorting him everywhere he went.

NoName bared her teeth and flicked her paw, the shadows streaming towards him. Zeye growled and disappeared. He soon reappeared just outside Lightclan's borderline with a soft sigh of relief. His ability to blink away in a matter of a second was unbelievably handy. Especially after angering cats like NoName.

Looking up at the dark night sky, Zeye noticed that it was only just past sundown. He sighed. It was hard to tell the time in the Dark Forest; the sky was always an inky black. No stars or moon shone there.

He took a step closer to the Lightclan border, wondering if he could catch some prey to sooth his rumbling stomach. Another annoying Dark Forest trait: no food or water. Zeye's throat was irritatingly dry and he swallowed thickly as he stepped over the scent markers, stopping short when there was a flash of glowing golden eyes in the bushes before him.

"Who's there?" Zeye demanded, his eyes already beginning to glow a light blue as he prepared himself for a fight. If NoName sent one of her warriors to watch over me... His paws shifted ever so slightly, ready to tear in half whoever emerged.

The cat's ears emerged first. Zeye narrowed his eyes at the odd green colour they were. "Come out fully." He ordered with a growl. The cat didn't move. With a low hiss, he tilted his paw so that the pawpad faced the sky and then slowly raised his foreleg. The cat was lifted slowly into the air, her burning golden eyes coming into view and then the rest of her sparkling white and green pelt. She wore a slight smirk on her face as she floated above the bush.

"Hello. What's your name?" The she cat asked with a friendly grin. Is she a mouse-brain or something? Can she not see my aggression?

"My name is not needed." Zeye hissed, teeth glinting in the moonlight. "Now tell me who you are before I rip your eyes out."

"My name is Skystar." She glanced down at the ground and flicked her tail in an odd motion. Suddenly, a platform of soil broke away and floated towards her so that she could stand properly on it. "Now tell me your name."

Zeye released his grip on the white and green she cat, narrowing his eyes. There was something familiar about her voice, her name but he couldn't quite grasp it. He put on a grin to hide his confusion from her. "As I said before, my name is not needed."

"I could always ask NoName." Skystar replied, a slow grin rising on her lips as Zeye's eyes widened. "Yes I know you come from her."

"Who are you?" Zeye's gaze travelled over her sparkling fur as she lowered the soil platform to the ground.

"I won't tell you anything else about myself until you tell me something about you." Skystar took a step closer, the charms wrapped around her tail clicking together as she sat down.

He narrowed his eyes to slits. "My name is Zeye. Happy now?"

Skystar didn't reply. The white and green she cat seemed to be in an entirely different world once he had uttered his name. Finally, she spoke in a soft voice. "You seem familiar..." He watched as her golden eyes lingered over his face and then down at his paws, where blue mist hung lazily around them. "I know you, but I can't seem to remember how..."

Zeye shifted on his paws. "I don't think I've ever met a cat with your fur colourings."

"Perhaps it was when I was in my normal form..." Skystar suddenly blurred from view and when she reappeared, her eyes were a vibrant green and her fur was pure white.

Zeye's heart skipped a beat. "Skykit?!"

Skystar's lips tugged into a small smile and she nodded. Her eyes shone with recognition, as if she too remember who he was. "So you did escape the dog."

"Of course I did." He smirked. "I'm Zeye. I'll survive anything."

"Even this?" She suddenly advanced on him and he took a step back, tensing up incase she attacked him, but instead she covered his muzzle in a flurry of friendly licks.

Zeye chuckled and pulled away slightly. "Yes, even that."

"So where have you been? How did you find yourself all the way over here? Smallclan's old territory is at least a couple of moons' trek from here." Skystar asked, still close enough that her cold breath ruffled his whiskers.

Zeye rolled his eyes. "I just Blink. Travelling is easy for me."

"Blink?" Skystar tilted her head to the side and Zeye smirked, disappearing from view and reappearing behind her.

"I call it Blinking." He tilted his chin slightly higher, a spark of pride blossoming within him as Skystar's bright green eyes shone in awe.

"That's amazing..." Skystar murmured.

"It is." Zeye chuckled. "Now why did you come here in the first place?"

"Oh, I saw that you arrive from the Dark Forest and was about to attack you, thinking that you were on a mission to hurt my clan. But then I realised that you were just on a walk." She explained.

Zeye chuckled again, but then a thought occured. "You're a Lightclan cat then?"

"Not any nore. I now reside in Starclan."

"Even better." He grinned slyly and glanced over his shoulder, looking for the watchful eyes of NoName's siblings. One thing the winged cats were bad at were hiding from their targets. He saw nothing and turned back to Skystar. "I could help you. I'll meet you every few nights in my dreams and tell you about NoName's plans."

"So you'll be like a double-agent?" Skystar shifted her paws slightly. "What if you get in trouble? NoName doesn't like traitors."

"I can handle her." He smirked slightly. "I'm Zeye."


Is it bad that I love this ship so much

Poor Clearlight xD (I hated him anyways)

My favourite is still Silvershy x Tyler though.. ;3

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