A Forgotten Death

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As his clan mates were thrown away like pesky flies, Stormwhisker stood at the edge of the fight, watching in shock and fear. The realisation hadn't hit him until the battle had begun- Silverstar had brought them to this battle to use them as sacrifices. Distractions so that the warriors with powers could obtain the upper-paw against the four elemental rogues. They weren't doing anything except getting in the way.

His thoughts were cut off by a cry not far away. Stormwhisker looked up to see Whitetail being flung across the moorland by Earth. His brother landed heavily on his side and grew limp as the brown rogue advanced on him. Stormwhisker looked around to see that everyone elese was busy fighting the others to help. He was the only one who could do something.

As Earth drew closer to Whitetail- who lay winded on the ground- Stormwhisker growled. "Back away from my brother!"

Earth rolled his eyes in amusement and glanced up at Stormwhisker. "What are you going to do about it? A kit like you couldn't possibly do anything to me."

"I'm not a kit!" Stormwhisker snarled and stalked closer to Earth, trying to keep himself from trembling in fright. "And if you hurt a hair on Whitetail's pelt I will kill you!" His empty threat was answered with a laugh. The laugh made Stormwhisker realise that he was most likely staring into the eyes of death.

"I admire your courage, young one." Earth took a step back from Whitetail. "For that, your brother gets to live." Stormwhisker barely had time to sigh in relief as the rogue spoke again, his voice rising in joy. "But you're going to take his place."

Before Stormwhisker could move out of the way, a sharp wooden spear pierced through the space between his shoulder blades and cut through his body until it poked out of his chest.

Whitetail let out a wail and struggled to his paws. "No! Stormwhisker!"

He stumbled, a shrill cry of pain leaving his lips. Blood quickly began pouring from the stab wound and rushed up his throat and out the corner of his mouth.

Whitetail rushed to help his brother but he was held back by a vine wrapping around his hind legs. "Stormwhisker!" He cried. "Please don't die!"

Earth grinned at the emotional trauma he had created and made another spear to toss at Stormwhisker. "Should I make your death fast or slow?" He meowed thoughtfully, smirking. "It has been a while since I took my time.. Maybe I should do it with you..."

Stormwhisker was finding it hard to stand and he gasped out. "Whitetail run!"

"Slow it is." Earth laughed and threw the spear. It aimed straight for Stormwhisker's heart and he stayed still, wishing for a quick death to end the suffering. But at the last second, the ground underneath his paws moved, tilting him upwards and sideways so that the spear embedded itself in his left foreleg. It sent shockwaves through him as it cut clean through bone and he shrieked in agony, falling onto his side.

Whitetail's cry echoed his own and Earth chuckled at the white tom. "If you don't be quiet I'll go back on my promise and kill you."

"You wouldn't-" Stormwhisker wheezed. "-d-dare." Blood leaked from the side of his mouth and his breathing was laboured, his pelt staining red as he bled out onto the ground.

"You and your empty threats." Earth cackled as he turned back to Stormwhisker. "I might keep you alive just to entertain me."

"Let Whitetail g-go." Stormwhisker hissed, gritting his teeth against the pain of talking. "Don't k-kill him. Or anymore of my clan mates."

Earth pouted. "Oh, but I was thinking about killing that herb cat over there." His gaze flicked to Nutwhisker for a heartbeat before turning back to Stormwhisker.

"N-no!" Stormwhisker tried to move, but only ended up causing himself more agony.

"Eh, it was only a thought." Earth rolled his eyes and circled around Stormwhisker. "But first I'm going to finish you off..."

Whitetail had grown silent, watching with tears running down his cheeks as he was held back by the vines Earth created.

Stormwhisker felt the darkness pulling him in and he closed his eyes, willing the end to come. Earth jabbed the spear in his back, causing the pain to heighten and his eyes flew open again as he cried out.

"Don't want you dying just yet." Earth smirked and ran a paw up Stormwhisker's blood-coated back to his neck. "I must say, those golden-yellow eyes are quite nice. Wouldn't it be such a shame if they were to be ruined..."

Small, sharp thorns appeared and were directed barely inches away from Stormwhisker's wide eyes. Earth let out a thoughtful mew. "Perhaps blinding you in only one eye would be better. Then you can still see me as I finally end your existence."

Stormwhisker sluggishly raised one paw to shield his eyes but Earth wrapped a vine around his ankle, pulling the forepaw back to the ground. "If you fight against me, Whitetail will die." Earth growled, his claws digging into his shoulder.

Stormwhisker let out a gasp of pain and screwed his eyes shut, burying his face in his bleeding chest. Earth snarled and forcefully tugged his head back up, glaring down at him. "I'm done playing games!" He wrapped a vine around Stormwhisker's neck and pulled it tight.

Stormwhisker gasped and choked as his breath was cut short, fighting to be freed from the vine. His struggles only created more pain for him and he eventually went still as the spots of darkness filled his vision.

The last thing Stormwhisker heard was Whitetail's mournful wail before he sank into the black nothingness. 


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