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"Vixen!" Leaf gasped, stumbling up to the base of Vixen's 'throne' of boxes. "Intruders are here!" The young she cat bowed her head to her leader. "They've killed Willow and her kits!"

"What was Willow doing outside of confinement?! Doesn't she know how dangerous it is to leave with her kits around?" Vixen snarled, launching herself from her throne to land neatly beside the trembling rogue. "Where are the intruders?" The red she cat demanded loudly, forgetting about the unfortunate loss of Willow and her litter. There are plenty more she cats ready for kits here.

"We're right here." A tom sneered from the shadows of their alleyway, emerging  from behind the many boxes. "And we have your cats."

Vixen's ears flattened as three more stocky rogues stalked into view, each holding one of her cats. Rook, Carrot and Weasel. The rest of her Circle must have evacuated in time.

"Why are you here?" Vixen muttered, fighting to stay calm as she fixed the lead tom with a glare.

"To take this place as ours." The rogue responded, grinning widely at her. "You're all weak, just give up now and no one will get hurt."

It was then that Vixen noticed a strange blue ribbon on his foreleg. She curled her lip in disgust. "What is that disgusting twoleg trash on your leg?"

"A gift from the twolegs, actually." The battle-scared rogue meowed, steadily moving closer to her. "They tied it on when I was only a kit. Damn thing won't come off." He smiled at the ribbon. "I think it suits me anyway."

Vixen bared her teeth as he came within striking distance. "I see it causes you a limp." She hissed fiercely.

"How very observant of you." He commented. "But don't think the limp affects my skill in any way." He smirked at her. "I can still bring you and your group down. With ease."

"Let's see about that." Vixen threw the first attack, lunging straight for him. Of course his broad body kept him from falling as she slammed all her weight into him, but she landed three hefty swipes to his muzzle before he managed to back away in time.

"Rat-dung!" He snarled, already bleeding from multiple cuts on his face. "You'll pay for that!"

Vixen smirked and crouched low to the group, waiting for his next attack. She couldn't underestimate him; he was smart. He knew the kinds of tricks she'd pull to gain the high ground. But she knew his tricks as well. He was just another big fat tom who thought he could boss around the other twolegplace residents. I'm about to give him the shock of a lifetime.

"Come at me rat-breath!" Vixen snarled, waiting for him to attack. He took the bait and lunged for her, swiping with both forepaws. The red she cat slid to the side and sliced her claws along his side as he flew past her. Her fur ruffled from the strong wind that followed his attack. He was powerful, that was for sure. But he was slow.

With a fierce growl, the rogue tom spun around and swiped for her. Vixen had little time to duck away, and his claws pierced through her right ear. Blood sprayed across the ground and she hissed, backing away.

He took his chance, attacking her with full force once again. Vixen was thrown sideways from a strong blow to her muzzle. His claws cut deep into the bridge of her nose. That's going to leave a scar. She thought as she stumbled away from him, blood already running heavily from the fresh wound.

"You can't escape now!" The tom grinned and lunged for her again. Vixen darted away, racing for her box throne. She climbed nimbly up to the top, spinning around to see him already following her.

She swiped at him with a snarl, catching his foreleg as he reached for her. "This is my land!" She bared her teeth at him. "And I will die to defend it!"

The tom grinned. "Just what I want. A strong she cat who thinks she can take me on."

"Who even are you?" Vixen didn't move from her defensive stance.

"Ah yes, I suppose you ought to know." He meowed, climbing down the throne. "My name is-" He was cut off from Vixen's claws slicing open his neck.

Fool. She thought as blood poured from his neck. Easily distracted.

His dead body dropped to the ground in heartbeats, leaving Vixen standing triumphantly over him. "Leave this place." She snarled at the intruders. "It belongs to The Vixen's Circle."


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