~First Encounter~

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Bellamy: You were one of Octavia's best friends. You knew her for the longest amount of time and she had told you amour her brother Bellamy, but you had never actually met him. You were on your way to the usual meeting spot that you had with Octavia when you saw a tall figure talking to her. You panicked thinking it was a guard. You snuck up behind the tall male and then hit him in the back of the head, causing him to fall on the ground. Octavia looked at you with a look of wtf. You looked at her confused.
"That's my brother!" She whisper shouted. Your mouth hung open with shock as you bent down to help him. He wasn't unconscious but was disoriented.
"What the hell was that for!" He exclaimed when he was back to himself.
"I am so sorry! I thought that you were a guard trying to take her away..." You whispered.
"Well in that case, good swing. I'm Bellamy, Bellamy Blake," he laughed as he introduced himself.
"Y/n y/l/n."

Jasper: You weren't one of the most social people in the world. You hated to talk to people. One day you were walking down the halls of the arc, when you bumped into someone. This caused you to go flying to the ground in a heap. You slowly got up as the figure held a hand out. You took it as they pulled you up.
"I am so sorry, but I really can't stay and chitchat." The person who I can to realize was a boy named Jasper. After the boy ran off three guards came running down toward you.
"Where did the boy go?" The asked
"That way" You sighed pointing in the other direction from what he actually went. They gave you a look of thanks and ran off in that direction. You began to walk toward the direction the boy went only to have your wrist grabbed and pulled into a room. That boy who was running from the guards was holding your wrist.
"Thanks. I'm Jasper by the way."
"Y/n" you smiled.

Finn: You were one of the 100 to go down to earth. You were sitting next to Wells as you all made the treacherous decent. Halfway through the drop and boy unbuckles himself and starts to float. He talks to Wells and Clarke for a little before the ship makes impact send him and two others to hit the floor with extreme force. You and Clarke made your way over to the boy. She inspected him and then said somethings that I didn't really care to listen to.
"What's your name?" I asked.

Monty: You were Clarke's sister. You were in jail for the same reason as Octavia but you got in a little more trouble and did a little more...so you were with Clarke, Finn, Octavia, Jasper and Monty. You only really knew Octavia, Finn, and Clarke. As you walked with Octavia you both saw a lake and started to take off your cloths to get into the water. As you and Octavia got in the boys Monty and Jasper began to get ready to get in the water when you felt something pass under you in the water. Then something dragged you under the water. It thrashed around a little before letting go of you. Monty ended up saving you and you held onto him and thanked him greatly, as Octavia did the same to Jasper.

Murphy: It had been a week since the landing of the 100. You being a grounder was sent to spy on them to see if they posed a threat. You quietly snuck up to the area where they had landed. You saw all the people rushing around to prepare for something. You began to make your way to a cave that you were going to call home for awhile. As you got there you heard walking and quickly hide behind one of the giant trees. You heard talking then everything went silent. Thinking the coast was clear you came out from behind the tree to be met face to gun. You took a deep breath,
"I'm not here to hurt you."
"Oh but who said I wouldn't hurt you." You looked at the boy who had spoken to see he was alone. You could easily take him but you didn't want to fight, you and your clan wanted peace. You looked into the boys eyes to see pain.
"Please, I don't want any problems." You whispered. The boy looked at you and lowered the gun. (Just pretend he already had one...) You sighed in relief.
"Y/n" you said sticking your hand out to him.
"Murphy." He responded shaking your hand.

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