Murphy Imagine for @MrsRomanGodfrey

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So this goes out to Tori. Thank you Tori for being the first to request something this really means something to me and I hope that you like it. 


It had been months since the 100 and myself had landed on earth. Currently I was in my tent that I shared with Octavia, I had just woke up and I could tell that I needed to clean myself. I gathered a set of clean cloths and walked down to a little pool that I had discovered. It was secluded and had no hazardous things about it. When you neared the water you began to take off your old clothes till you were left in my underwear and folded them. I then jumped in the water. The water surrounded my body and created a sense of calm. I dipped my dark hair into the water to wet it and I began to scrub it the best I could. In the distance the sound of birds chirping and the wind rustling the trees made the moment seem surreal.  Snap! I heard a twig snap and I submerged myself enough to be hidden.  Out walked Murphy, I was relieved it wasn't an animal or worse....a grounder. As he neared the little pool you scrambled to cover yourself so that he couldn't see you body that lacked clothing, this caused a little splash . His attention snapped to me and his eyes widened in shock. 

"Tori, what are you doing here?" Murphy questioned as he looked deep into my greenish brown eyes. I stared into his blue eyes. 

"Um, I'm washing.  I felt like I needed it," I giggled. For a while now I had been crushing on Murphy but he was a bad boy and well he would never like someone like me. He smiled back at me, 

"That's why I'm here." I just smiled at him and covered myself best I could. 

"Mind if I join you?" he asked as his cheeks turned a light shade of pink. I just nodded in responce as he stripped down to his undergarments, and by then my face was redder than a red rose. I had never been this close to someone that was this little clothed. As he got into the water i felt more comfortable because I wasn't able to see his....(I don't feel comfortable saying it lol). He walked over toward me then stopped about a foot in front of me. He ruffled his hair and smiled slightly. 

"You're beautiful" he blushed

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"You're beautiful" he blushed. Few people go to see this side of Murphy and I was grateful that I was one of them, if not the only one, that saw that he could be nice. 

"Don't" I breathed. In all honesty, I hated my appearance, I hated how my thighs rubbed together, how my stomach wasn't flat. And i absolutely hate how my face looks, all the girls here at camp look beautiful without the makeup that we had on the Ark, but me, NO. I had to be cursed with blemishes. 

"Don't what?" Murphy questioned, frowning slightly. 

"Don't lie and say that I am beautiful, when we both know that I am far from it. You don't see me when I first wake up and my hair looks like a rat's nest. You don't see the fat that is on my stomach that I desperately try to hide from everyone else." A few tears had made there way out of my eyes and down my face. Murphy looked up at me and brought his hand up to my face to wipe my tears. His hand stayed there as he spoke,

"You don't understand. You are beautiful. When I see you walk out of your tent in the morning I see a beautiful girl that deserves the world. Your hair no matter what condition is majestic with how it rests on your shoulders. I can't help but be captivated by you." 

When he finished speaking he leaned down and kissed my lips. It wasn't a rough kiss, but it was sweet and passionate. It held all our emotions for each other. When we pulled away he spoke again. 

"You. Tori.  Are. Beautiful. No matter what anyone else says. Because to me you are beautiful, hell, you're gorgeous. The others opinions don't matter,. only me and you in this moment and after this moment. I love you." 

With that I crashed my lips on his again, smiling as our lips met. 


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I hope that you like it Tori. Tried my best. Let me know what you think, please. 

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