Perfect Night

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It was the day of the prom; I got up at around 7 am."uhhh...It is still early"i said as i tossed and turned around the bed. As i was laying on the bed tossing and turning,i saw that today is the day of the prom."oh...The prom was today?"i said confused. So in order for me to checked if it is true i opened my school bag and tooked out my invitation to checked."mmmm....yeah i forgot"i said as i put my invitation back in my school bag. Afterwards,i got up from my bed and tooked a bath. The next thing that i did i got dressed up and went downstairs."Good Morning Micah ready for tonight's prom?"Ashley asked me."yep as always"i said as i ate my breakfast."Um...If you don't mind my asking who are you gonna be with tonight?"Ashley asked me while she ate  her breakfast."Um..the guy who i asked is a really handsome man"i said."really who is he?"she asked me."it is a secret"i said."Come on tell me please"she asked me again "You will find out later tonight"i said."Really i cannot wait to meet him"She said excitedly. "How about you who did you invite to go to prom with you?"i asked her."The guy that i asked to come with me to the prom is non other than Ivan"She said."Ivan? you mean that nerdy classmate of yours from elementary?"i asked her." yep"she replied. "i thought you hated nerdy guys?"i asked her."well,yeah. But he is different,in fact even if he is a nerd,there are some different sides of him.Like that time when one of the schools athlete was  injured,the school cannot find any substitution for the athlete.He stood up and said that he would substitute for the athlete. We cannot believe it but the team won because of him"she explained.Afterwards,she stood up and began exiting the door.So i quickly stopped her from leaving,"Where are you going?"i aske her."oh...I am going to the spa to pamper myself up for the prom tonight.Wanna come?"she said."nah i'll stay right here"i said."ok suit yourself"she said as she left. As for me i went also to the spa,i also pamper myself up. Afterwards,i left the spa and went back to me and Ashley's apartment. I entered our apartment and watched some tv. While i was watching tv,i heard a knock on the door. So i stood up and i opened the door,(stands up and opens the door) I was surprise to see that the one who was knocking on the door is Onew."Oppa what are you doing here and how did you find this address?"i asked him."Well,when i first met you i cannot get you out of my head. Even when i was at my practice,i cannot get you out of my head. My dongsaengs are worried about me. So they asked me what was wrong,i said to them that i met you and told them that i cannot get you out of my head"He said."ok then how did they react?"i asked him."Well,they told me that not to think of you and just focus on our practice"Onew explained."Oh...Did you take their advice,How did it work out for you?"i asked him again."i actually tooked their advice and not think of you too much.It actually work,when i am practicing i stopped thinking of you and  focused on practicing.But there are times that i cannot stop thinking of you.So i decided to look for your address and the reason that i came here is because of the prom.Is it tonight?"Onew asked me."What about it and yes it is tonight"i said."Well,actually i think i am gonna be late tonight because of our scheduled photoshoot.Is it ok with you if i am late?"Onew stated."Well,we can't help it but ok.Just be sure that you are gonna be there and i will wait for you"i said."Really?Kamsamida and Mianhae"Onew said as he hugged me out of excitement."Oppa?"i said blushing."Mianhae and i promise that i will be there"he said as he moved away and hurriedly left.(kyaaa!!Onew embraced me!!!)i said to myself as i closed the door and proceed on watching tv. I finished watching tv at around 6 pm."Oh..Gosh is that the time?better prepare for my prom"i said as i stood up and prepared for the prom.I washed myself up and prepared for the prom. After a while i finished preparing for the prom at around 7pm.I Left the apartment at around 7:30,"oh...Gosh better leave the Apartment quickly or i will be late"i said as i hurriedly left the apartment.
The night of the prom came; i arrived at the venue at around 8pm."Good it is still early"i said as i sat at the bench and waited for Onew.  After a while Onew arrived in a black suit,a grey and white tie and a black pants.(Omg!!!he looks good!!!!Is this what he wore in a picture with someone)I said to myself. He approached me smiling,while he was about to go towards me he tripped on something and fall to the ground. But after he fell he stood up and made his way towards me smiling as if nothing ever happened."Oppa are you ok?"i asked him."Yeah"he stated."You should've been careful,Me and the shawols are gonna be worried if you hurt yourself again"i said to him."Mianhae Micah,I always do this. It is so embarassing"Onew said."It's ok Oppa just be careful next time ok?"I stated."Ne! come on and Mianhae for being late"Onew stated as he tooked my hand and entered the venue. Inside,we saw that it's like a fairytale or something."Wow Daebak"I stated as i walk hand in hand with Onew. I turned to look at Onew and saw happiness in his eyes.(Oppa looks so happy like a puppy seeing snow for the first time)I said to myself as i stared at Onew holding my hand."Why are you staring at me like that?"He asked me."Oh...It's just that you looked so happy and all after your photoshoot earlier"I said to him."I always smile all the time so you do not have to be worried about me i'm ok"Onew stated. I did not reply instead i continued staring at him and i can see on his face that he is very tired. So i stopped him,"Buweyo?"he asked me."Well,we think we should stop going"I stated."Why?this is one time event and we shouldn't miss this"Onew said."Come on tell me what's wrong?"He asked me."It's just that i know your are tired and i shouldn't invited you"I stated as i let go of his hand."Micah please do not worry about me. It pains me to see that a girl like you is worried about me. I'm ok"He stated."But your so tired and all i do not want you to get sick"I said."Micah,i'm ok so please stopped worrying about me"Onew stated. "But--"I said but Onew suddenly kissed me right on my lips. "Please..Micah"Onew said as he let go of my lips. I was shocked."Mianhae Micah,I had to do that because you won't stop worrying about me. Come on"Onew stated as he took my hand and entered further inside.(.......His lips are so soft.....)I said to myself.  So we reached the inside of the venue and saw that there are already more people inside.(Oh....No this is bad,What will happen if they found out that Onew is an idol?There will be a huge crowd of people hovering over Onew)I said to myself as I pull Onew into the red curtain."What is it Micah?"Onew said confused."There are a lot of people in  here,You will be found out"I stated."Do not worry,i'm sure that they won't notice me"Onew stated."Are you sure but if someone do found out that you are an idol,here"I said as i took out a masquerade mask from my bag and handed it over towards Onew."Kamsamida Micah" He said. I did not reply instead i just smiled at Onew. So the two of us exited the curtain and went to looked for Ashley and Ivan. After a while,we finally saw them at the last table placed closed at the exit door."Ashley!"I called out to her and she saw me. So both Onew and I made our way towards them."Hi Ashley Sorry for being late"I stated as i sat on the chair and Onew sat also on the chair."so...Who is this person that you told me earlier?"She asked me."Oh....This is the person that ask out to go to prom with me"i said as i introduced Onew to her."Nice to meet you,i'm yonggam"Onew said."nice to meet you mr.Yonggam"Ashley said."psst....Why didn't you tell me that the guy that you asked out is him. He is not handsome he is gorgeous. You sly dog"Ashley whispered on my ear."Well,it wasn't easy asking him out but i get to do that"I whispered back at her."How did you do that?"Ashley whispered back."It's a secret"I whispered back. "Um...Who is your ideal girl?"Ashley asked Onew."um...Someone who knows how to cook,someone who will make me laugh,someone who will take good care of me and someone who is pretty"Onew stated."kyaa he is the perfect guy for you Micah.You are so lucky."she whispered back. I did not reply instead i just smiled at her. So the four of us talked for a while and waited for the program to start.

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