I Want To Be Yours

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After an hour on the road we finally reached our hotel. So i got up from the seat and turned to look if Micah was ok. I turned and saw that Micah was sleeping peacefully. (Oh she's asleep and she looks beautiful while sleeping)i said to myself. So i picked up the sleeping Micah and i carried her inside our hotel. Luckily there was no one around. So i went inside my room with the sleeping Micah on my arms and i placed her on my bed. As for me i took out the mat and i put it on the floor. Afterwards,i layed on the mat and i slept. The next morning; i quickly got up from the floor and saw that Micah was still asleep. I can't help myself but caressed Micah's hair.(Her hair is so soft i just want to do this to her everyday. Micah you are so beautiful and i want to be yours so badly. Please stay by my side forever.)i said to myself as i kept on caressing Micah's hair. After a while,I leaned forward and gently kissed Micah on her cheeks."Sleep Well My Love"I Whispered on Micah's ear after kissing her right on her cheeks. I decided to go for a swim on our hotel's pool. After an hour,i finished swimming and washed myself up. Then i returned to my room at around 9 am. I got dressed. Afterwards,i saw that Micah was up and she was still laying on my bed. "Good Morning Micah"i greeted her with a smile on my face,"Oh...Mianhae Oppa i let you carry me last night"she said."you don't need to apologize Micah"i stated."oh ok"she stated."so did you sleep well?"i asked Micah."Ne i did"she said as she stood up on my bed and she embraced me."Kamsamida Oppa..."she whispered onto my ear. Afterwards,she let go of me and went inside the bathroom. As for me i sat on my bed and again think about her,(Micah.....Is it possible that you have feelings for me too? Based on your actions earlier,i can tell that you have feelings for me too. Micah I want to be yours so badly. I love you so much)i said to myself as i think about Micah. After a while,she came from the bathroom and approached me."oppa do you have any change of clothes?"She asked me,"Aniyo"I replied."oh..."she stated."Mianhae Micah,i only have my own clothes again Mianhe"I replied."don't worry about it oppa i will just buy a new set of clothes"she said. As she was about to leave,i quickly stopped her from leaving. She was surprised that i did that."what is it oppa?"Micah asked me."oh....Would you like me to accompany you to the shopping mall?"i asked her."if is it ok with you oppa?"she asked me."ne!"i immediately replied. Before the two of us left the reserved hotel,i got my jacket and wrapped it around Micah's body."what's this oppa,why did you covered my body with your jacket?"Micah asked me."so that the people won't laugh at your clothes because you are still wearing your red prom dress,it's for your own protection"i replied."Oh Kamsamida oppa"she replied. I didn't answered instead i just smiled at Micah. "How about you would the people recognize you?,if that happens lots of people would surround you"Micah stated."Oh don't worry about that,i would just put on a pair of shades and a cap"I replied."Oh...Ok just be careful oppa"Micah replied."Kamsamida Micah. Now let's go"I said as i put on my shades and cap. We both went to the shopping mall.

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