Slender Fic

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Disclaimer: The people mentioned are REAL people with feelings and thoughts. I'd apprciate it if you didn't send it to them or ask them to read it.

Audience: Mature

An omnious presence loomed over the raven haired man all day. He felt as if someone was watching him. He turned around to find nothing and laughed at himself for being so stupid. 

"It's nothing Philip, you've just haven't had any sleep is all." Phil thought to himself, but he couldn't shake the feeling and shuddered deeply.


The next night, the feeling grew more intense. Phil couldn't sleep and tossed and turned all night. He awoke from nightmares and sweat stuck his fringe to his forehead. He sighed deeply and held his totoro plushy closer. He turned, facing the window. A blurred white shape moved quickly past his window. 

Phil jumped, throwing his totoro. "What the hell was that?" 

He slowly got up and tip-toed to the window. He pushed the curtain apart further and looked out. He opened the glass and looked out. A slight breeze hit his heated face. He rubbed his forehead and grinned. "I must be going insane."

Suddenly, a slimy black thing wrapped around his wrist. The man let out a gasp and tried to pull away. The thing pulled him, right out of the window. Phil screamed, "Let me go!"

More things grabbed hold of his other limbs. It was so dark outside. Phil couldn't see his capter. He was lowered from the air slowly; though the things still held on. Storng arms wrapped around his back. Phil opened his eyes and screamed, thrashing in the arms of the one and only Slenderman.

"Y-you're not real." Phil said, looking into Slender's pale, featureless face. 

The place where Slender's mouth should be moved, but no noise escaped. Instead a voice entered Phil's head and it wasn't his own. It was the voice of his bestfriend and housemate, Dan. 

"Dan? I-is that you?" Phil asked slowly. 

"No." Said the voice in his head. "I take the voice of the person who you've hurt the most."

Phil's mouth dropped. "Do you mean-"

"But let's not get into that, shall we? This is about you and me." Slender said.

"You and me?" Phil asked, dumbfounded. 

"I've been watching you Philip." And suddenly, Slender and Phil were back in his own bedroom. Slender gently laid Phil back into his bed. Phil's heart beat quickly in his chest. 

"W-what do you want from me?" Phil asked, stuttering a bit.

Dan's voice laughed in his head, but it wasn't Dan's usual laugh. It sounded much more....menacing. 

Slender's tentacles shot from his back, making a meaty, ripping sound. One immediatly wrapped around Phil's ankle. Phil screamed, thrashing in his bed; fighting to get away. 

"Now, now be a good boy for Slendy."

Another tentacle went to the top of his pajama bottoms and pushed them down, exposing his flaccid manhood. A blush worked it's way across Phil's face and he used his hands to cover himself. Slender simply pulled them away and a tentacle began to pump Phil, slowly. It felt so slimy and hot, but felt....good. 

"N-no."  He said feebly. "Stop."

Slender easily flipped the raven-haired man over, still pumping him. Phil's hands were in tight fists above his head; moaning quietly. 

Slender took a step closer to Phil's bed and watched the man writhe beneath him. Phil's eyes shut tightly, his hands clawing the bed. He didn't want it to be over. He came, shooting his seed onto his bedsheets. The tall, pale man clad in black slithered away, pleased with himself. 

"I'l be back and it will be so much better." Dan's voice said so low, Phil could barely hear it.

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