Terrible to shit

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"I'm sorry Chloe, but your mum was in a fatal car accident, she's in hospital" said my neighbour, "the hospital said they called you but you didn't pick up, you must of been asleep, so they called me. I can drive you to visit her if you want?"

This was all my fault, if I hadn't been so careless and got myself into a terrible mess, my mum wouldn't of had to drive home early at 4am where she got in a crash.

"Yes please, let me just pack some stuff"

I hurried inside where I got some clothes, new pyjamas and flung them into my Nike sports bag.

Next, I brushed my tangled hair and applied some make up, most of the blood had washed off in the shower anyway. I looked over to where Lucas was snoring and drooling and quickly left him a note

'Hey Lucas, thanks so much for saving me, your my hero. My mum got in a car accident. Don't worry, you've done enough already, I don't know which hospital it is but text me if you need me, Chlo xox'

With that, I grabbed my bag and ran down stairs, into my neighbour's car where it was waiting outside.

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