For We Bleed (chapter 5)

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Chapter 5: Missing

"Eww!! I got mud on my sweater!!"

Anne was complaining, as she did the hundredth and eightyith time tonight..

"Oh quit your whining you brat," Xavier murmured to her.

She gave an awful glare, which could cut through glass.

"I'll have you know this is a rare cashmere designer sweater! My parents bought it for me!"

Now, Anne's parents are the wealthiest in town. Her mother is a successful doctor, and her father is a lawyer. Successful jobs, lead to successful money. Simple as that.

"I don't care, you rich snob!"

"Jacqueline! It's ok. The sooner we get to the cabin the better," I said to keep everyone safe and sane.

Suddenly, there was a rustle in the bushes. We all looked back, then at each other.

Autumn cleared her throat and a wave of calm swept over us.

"Probably just a rabbit or something..."

Even though what she said was settling. I couldn't help but feel on edge about this. Never the less, we continued.

It wasnt until soon after we started walking again, I felt a slight tingle in my hand. The more we walked, the more it started to burn me. Cringing, I looked at me hand, where the rose mark was placed. It was glowing black and burning into my flesh with great ease. I looked from my hand to my surroundings.

But I only found that a few things... Were missing. My friends.

I looked around for them.

"Autumn? Xavier?!"

No answer.

"Jacqueline?! Anne!?"

Silent as death.

I was afraid to continue on by myself, but I had to look for them.

It was not a minute before I took the first step that all these different screams hit me at once, making my ears pound and hurt. I covered my ears and I started to run.


I started thinking the worst.

I kept running and running and running. My legs hurt but I didn't slow down. I was cut by many fallen branches on my legs, arms, and face (from short branches). Suddenly, I tripped and fell into the mud.

How was this all familiar?

My blood swirling into the Muds thick texture, the pitch black darkness of the forest closing in on me.

My nightmare.

I was too tired to get up and run, let alone walk. So, I let sleep take over me, as the last image of black tentacles left my sight.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2013 ⏰

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