1. Wrong

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A/N: peep the gif of ^Lola^ IF you want to x



I stared at Sasha Gibbet, who turned in her seat to face behind her, her caramel brown skin glowing and she flashed her white teeth, moving some of the thick braids out of her face, as she laughed in a flirty manner at the jokes some boys made, only making them notice her, or should I say zoom right into her D cup boobs, spotlighted in a low and tight white t-shirt.

Ugh, her boobs.

Why couldn't I be blessed like that?

I crossed my arms in front of me, as if suddenly embarrassed at my seventeen year old B cups, wishing I decided to wear the over-sized graphic tee from the men's section I found at Target that drowned my upper body, but neglected it for a thin pale blue cropped sweater this morning.

Frankie gave me a sideways look from the seat beside me, I waved a hand at my best friend telling her not to speak on it. She shrugged her shoulders, and played with her puffy Colombian curls, brown roots blending in with the dyed blonde. She was the perfect friend, the athletic one on the track team, with the 'all the right junk, in all the right places' kinda body, tiny waist and big brown eyes had the boys dropping at her feet, and still managed to get straight A's in everything.

I on the other hand, damaged the curls that my African-American mother and white father 'blessed' me with, with years of straightening and dying every color of the rainbow, now it was just honey brown to blonde, and I still continue to straighten it but the constant humidity of typical Florida weather always made it wavy.

I didn't take much interest to sports like Frankie but would get dragged to gym by her now and then. 

I was short, petite with the little booty and boobies, although the only thing I liked about my body was how surprisingly flat my stomach was, thanks to the fast metabolism I inherited I was able to eat everything junk, and gain nothing. But I don't think boys go internally crazy over that.

Let's just say I envied my friend, like a lot.

Although she would often whine about being jealous of my hazel eyes. Yay me.

I played with the fraying string on my light wash ripped jeans, while Frankie asked, "You're my partner for this project, okay?"

For a smart girl, she didn't have much common sense from time to time, I gave her a look, "You think Mr McCall, is going to let us, choose partners?" 

She pouted glumly, but then smiled brightly, "Imagine if I get partnered with Trey?"

I rolled my eyes but smiled, Trey was one of the popular guys at school, toffee brown clear skin, a faded haircut but the top of his head full of soft dark brown curls, a diamond stud in his right ear, and a Hollywood smile that would make any girl swoon. Especially Frankie.

They're moving onto each other, slowly, but surely.

However, I'm not too sure how I feel about someone taking my best friend away from me soon.

I didn't have much love for that many people in my school.

Or maybe I just never attempted to expand my friendships, Frankie and a few others were enough for me.

"Well I don't really want anyone else in here to be my partner," I sighed deeply, peering over my English class.

I caught Trey a few rows in front of us, blank a conversation and turn around to flash a smile at Frankie, of which she smiled back at, making me smile slightly. I shipped them too much, it was quite unhealthy.

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