Chapter 1

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"Jace? Jace what happened to you!?" Mom grabbed my arm and yanked me to her, looking over my aching eye. I let out a small sigh and rolled my eyes, which it hurt to do but oh-well. I had to play it off some how.

"I fell today, you know I forget to tie my shoes." I said with a small giggle, running a hand up through my hair. She gave me a doubtful look, and let out a sigh of her own. I hated lying to her, I'm not a liar, but I didn't want to worry her with how people at campus treated me. I'd be up and out of there in no time anyway. . . two months out of four years down for the count. I could survive if I avoided every one better. I had been planning on getting a dorm soon too, a private one. Probably the one on the far side of campus or something. Though it wasn't even five people who made my life hell, to be completely honest it was just one, Brandon Carter. A jock spelled with an E, underline it, bold it, highlight with three different colors. J-E-R-K. Who do you think gave me this black eye? For what reason? I don't know. I wish some one would tell me though, so I could fix whatever was wrong about me and be done with his painful "lessons."

"Alright. Go get it cleaned up, and I'll have dinner ready soon." She said and wiped off her hands on her apron, worriedly turning back to her cooking. "Remember to buy you some laceless shoes next time we go out." She said lightly, pointing at my laces out of their slots once again. I laughed lightly and made my way up to my room, taking off my shoes and tossing them next to my bed before grabbing my laptop and starting on my new biology project. I had to make a diagram of the differences between Plant, Animal, Fungus, and Bacteria cells. Any fifth grader can tell you that All but Bacteria have a nucleus. Biology was an ace for me, and this collage was a community one, so it was all pretty easy so far. The other two I had tried to apply in said that I was just too young, go figure. I guess I can't be 16 and entering a state university, even if I was basically a child wonder.

After I was halfway done with my project Mom brought me up my food, and I ate happily while picking up my room a bit and playing music. I don't know why, but I really like "Screamo" as some people call it. My old friend back in high school said I didn't look like I listened to it. I agree. I'm tall for my age, but I have a super nerd look. Glasses with tape in the middle, I always wear ties and dress shoes and stuff like that... Oh well, that's probably just because I want some one to look at me and be like "Wow, that guy know's what he's doing." "He looks ready for work." Not "Oh boy, another teenager." I guess that's why I study so hard and act and dress the way I do. 

I ran a hand through my hair and leaned back in my chair, letting out a long sigh and checking up on my facebook. Most of the people I had friended were my folks from back in Rhode Island, in high school. Lue had actually messaged me only earlier today.

"Happy early birthday, Ace-man!" I laughed to myself that he still referred to me by my old nick name. "I'm telling you that now because I'm going on a two week camping trip and probably won't get to call you or anything. Dude, Chloe and David got so drunk at a party the other night, you should have seen how wasted they were! She was talking like a princess does a slave, I thought she was more high than drunk! xD" I rolled my eyes. That was so them. Those twins were always at every party, drinking like it was the civil war and people were coming to saw off their legs. They were really fun to hang around.

I started typing back.

"Thanks dude! I bet you recorded it too, eh? Tell them I said hi when you get the chance, and that it won't kill Chloe to wear shorts every now and then."

I got an almost immediate response, "Lol like I would waste the chane to record HER wasted! I'll tell her alright, I'll send you the video too! See you Ace-Man!"

"Crap chance** damn keyboards"

"lol, See ya."

I logged off of facebook and took a shower before dragging my body to my bed, looking at my swollen eye in the mirror. It wasn't too bad. If Lue knew about Brandon he'd be on the first plane here to kick some ass. Chloe and David would probably do something weird like stalk him or prank him so hard he wet himself. I scoffed at the thought and doctored it up the best I could before putting a bandage over another scrape on my face, from me hitting a tree in the process of trying to run away.

I dragged my self to the bed and pulled the covers up over me, letting out a small yawn mixed with a sigh before digging into the pillow, wrapping my arms around it and letting sleep consume me.

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