Chapter 1

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 This is the first time I'm doing something like this, so I hope you like it. Some parts are based off the games and some are from my imagination. I don't own the parts or characters from the game obviously. Either way, enjoy!


   Running, panting. They run as fast as they can to escape in the forest, dodging tree stumps and low branches. However their attempts were futile. The three human men froze as they came face to face with an arrow pointed straight at them.

"It's a Dalish!" One of the men shout.

"And you three are somewhere you shouldn't be." The elf says, his form never shifting from it's offensive stance.

"Let us pass, elf. You have no right to stop us!" another man, clearly the more bold, spoke up.

"No? We will see about that won't we?" He snidely remarks as another elf moves beside him, her arrow pointed at the ready as well. He glances at her and adds "You're just in time. I found these.... HUMANS lurking in the bushes. Bandits, no doubt."

"We aren't bandits, I swear! Please don't hurt us!" The leader pleads.

"You shemlen are pathetic. It's hard to believe you ever drove us from our homeland."

The two elves move closer towards the men tense up.

"W...We've never done nothing to you Dalish! We didn't even know this forest was yours!" The third man speaks up.

"This forest isn't ours, fool." The elf says making a disgusted face at the arrogance. "You've stumbled too close to our camp. You shems are like vermin. We can't trust you not to make mischief. What do you say, lethallin? What should we do with them?"

The girl thinks for a quick moment before answering.

"Let's find out what they're doing here."

"Does it matter? Hunting or banditry, we'll need to move camp if we let them live."

"I- look... we didn't come here to be trouble. We found a cave..." The first man stutters out in a hope of getting out of this alive.

"Yes, a cave! With ruins like I've never seen! We thought there might be, uh..." The leader chimes in.

"Treasure" The elf finishes, then mutters "So you're more akin to thieves than actual bandits."

"If you've been there, you should have treasure to prove it." The woman says eying them.

"I...I have proof! Here... we found this just inside the entrance." The leader says walking a few steps forward and holding out an old stone relic that had carved lettering across it.

The elf lowered his bow in order to take it. He examined it in awe.

"This stone has carvings... Is it elvish? WRITTEN elvish?"

"There's more in the ruins! We didn't get very far in, though..." The leader believed he was getting closer to their final escape.

"Why not?" the girl asks.

"There was a demon! It was huge, with black eyes! Thank the Maker we were able to out run it!" the leader explains with returning fear.

The elf scoffed.

"A demon? Where is this cave?"

"Just off the west I think. There's a cave in the rock face, and a huge hole just inside." the leader tells them.

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