Chapter ten: Oops.

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*Calum's POV, the next afternoon*

Luke and I decided to have lunch together today. Thinking about it, however, his friends knew I was his step-brother. How would they react? I was really scared of them judging me, although I was comfortable around Luke. But I was scared, a fear that was constricting my throat. His friends were people who liked to spread rumours, but I knew that Luke trusted them, so I guess I trusted them, too.

I took my lunch tray and started looking for Luke, my heart beating out of my chest. I saw him talking with his friends at the back table, their table. I walked up to them and put my tray down beside Luke's, throwing him a nervous look. I understood the look on his face: he wanted to tell them.

I nodded. After all, the rumour would spread in one way or another. He smiled at me, and I felt less awkward. I put my hand on his thigh, rubbing slightly. I could tell he was trying to resist.

Luke: "Um, guys... Well, you know Calum and I are step-brothers. But, as you know, feelings can't be controlled. If you try, they just get deeper and stop you from sleeping at night. And, well, that's what happened with Calum and I. I know that you guys might be disgusted, but that's how it is. And I hate to say it but we're dating, and we're in love. I understand if you're grossed out, but I don't care."

Ashton and Michael looked at both of us, and to our biggest surprise, burst out laughing. They were laughing so hard that they resembled seals, no sound coming out of their mouths and hands clapping together. It almost seemed as though they were crying with laughter. Luke and I both looked at them weirdly, waiting for them to tell us what was up.

Michael: "Alright, guys, that was a good one."

Luke: "Dude... It's not a joke. Do I look like I'm kidding?"

Ashton and Michael exchanged a glance, before Ashton said, "Alright then, why don't you kiss and prove it?"

Did he think he was challenging us to kiss in front of everyone in the cafeteria? Sure, we were going to kiss. That was inevitable.

Luke tilted his face towards mine, and I did the same. Our lips collided in a passionate kiss. It was as though a cage of butterflies opened up in my stomach. I was still rubbing Luke's thigh, my hand sliding up higher, and I felt the bump in his jeans, making me giggle against his lips.

Ashton: "Alright, alright, we get it, perverts!"

We pulled away, and looked at him. Both him and Michael were smiling - they seemed to have taken it well! Luke looked at me, squirming a bit in his seat, his face turning red. I had probably turned him on a bit too much. He threw a glance to the parking lot where his car was sitting, trying to convey that we had to leave now. However, I still had classes after lunch, and I didn't wanna miss them for any reason. I gave him an apologetic look.

Luke: "Alright, I think I'm going to head home... I really don't feel well. Bye guys, see you tomorrow."

I giggled to myself as I watched Luke power-walk to his car. This kid was ridiculous.


*that evening*

I got home, dropped my bag in the hallway, made my way up the stairs, and entered my room. However, a weight pressed me back to the door, holding my wrists up above my head. Luke's mouth immediately met mine, kissing me heatedly, and I whined when he tugged at my lower lip. He had me pressed against the door, his body completely pressed up to mine. He pulled off my shirt and started leaving love bites all along my neck and stomach.

He carried me to the bed, where we both took off our pants. I pressed my lips to his again, tugging and biting at his lower lip. I slid my hand down to his boxers, palming him over the fabric. He let out a groan of pain or of pleasure, or maybe both. I smiled a little, an idea coming to mind.

Calum: "Oh no, what a shame. I've got a maths exam tomorrow, and I've really got to study."

I shrugged innocently, and pulled away from Luke although I really didn't want to. I pulled my clothes back on and was about to step out of the door when Luke chuckled.

Calum: "What?"

Luke: "You're not really planning on leaving when I could be taking care of your boner, Cal."

I rolled my eyes, thinking about the dumbasses at school. I left the bedroom, leaving Luke alone as he cried out that I would regret it. Once downstairs, I sat down on the couch, and my parents sat down with me.

Father: "Calum, I want to talk to you about your girlfriend."

Calum: "What girlfriend?"

Father: "Come on Cal, don't play dumb."

He laughed slightly, and pointed to the hickies that Luke left on my neck. Dammit.


translator's note: there's so much shit coming up in this fic, oh my god

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