More About Meh

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💟 I'm a grammar nazi sometimes. I hate seeing "you're" when it should be "your". -_- not cool.
💟 I hate when people are short with me or use "K". Um, sweetheart, rephrase that please. Or I just won't answer you.
💟 I loveee to flirt... When I'm single, that is.
💟 my favorite foods are either mashed potatoes OR cheddar broccoli rice. YUMM.
💟 I have two siblings and a third on the way.
💟 I love planning for the future.
💟 I hate waiting.
💟 and I hate surprises.
💟 I'm going to dye my hair red soon!
💟 the cover and profile pictures ARE me.
💟 I like watching we bare bears. Pandas my favorite. 💕
💟 I love any english class.
💟 I like algebra too.
💟 I'm 15, almost 16.
💟 I hate science classes. I just don't understand the class. 😭😭

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