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"Are you even listening, Nala?!" I accusingly asked the girl infront of me.

"Wait, what?" she responded, her eyes still glued to her phone.

I groaned and decided to give up. I mean, I guess the story of Athena's birth was rather boring for some people.

We had a free period together for an hour so we've been doing absolutely nothing progressive for the past ten to tweny minutes. I scanned the classroom, everyone was chatting and having a good time. Except me.

We were supposed to learn the fundamentals of Rocket science today. I frowned when I thought of that, I was excited for this lesson.

"Stop frowning, Haz. But, either way, you look amazing." someone said, I look at who it was and it was Nathan. I gave him a big grin.

"Thanks, Nate."

"Anytime, Harlowe." and then he returned to his friend Ace, also known as Briana's ex boyfriend which she left because she was being overdramatic. Look at what happened to her now.

"You know, Haz," Nala finally put her phone down and gave me a serious stare, "That boy's trouble. He's friends with Ace and Caleb." she finishes. The way she said Ace and Caleb's names, she was disgusted.

"I know that, Nala. I'm not even going to say he's different. Birds of the same feather flock together, right? And I don't like him." I defended myself. They always thought I've had a thing for Nathan, which I don't.

"I'm going to trust what you say, Haz, because you're Haz. You're the most independent and mature person I know." I smiled to what she said, "You're intelligent in almost every aspect of life, except love. In love, you're literally the most clueless person ever. That's why I'm - we, are concerned. None of us four want you to get hurt."

My smile faded with what she said. It was all true. I am an idiot with love. The most inexperienced person school was I. I groaned in frustration, I never like it when people point out my weaknesses. That was just one of many.

"We don't want you to go through what we went through. It's painful to deal with, but it would be more painful to see you going through it."

I understand where Nala was coming from, she was always the most thoughtful when it came to heartbreak.

"Thanks Nala, I appreciate it. You know that." I gave her a smile, slightly forced but sincere. "But I can't not fall in love. It's bound to happen one day, you know."

"Yeah, it will. And we'll be there every step of the day." her smile grew teethier.


I rushed through the halls of school to get to the cafeteria. My last period was at the other side of school and the girls wouldn't like it when I'm late. I was never late.

I was running in a dress, by the way, and was bumping into people and apologizing non-stop.

I took one last turn and BAM.

"Ow!" we both yelped in pain. I think I hit the person in the chest with my head. I rubbed my head in pain, so much for my good hair day.

"Watch where you're going!" I yelled but then pictured who it was. Caleb Evans, Terry's ex boyfriend.

"Sorry, Hal." he quickly apologized and he literally was awkwardly standing there.

I instantly felt bad for yelling at him, he was a friend.

"No, no. I'm sorry Cal, I was too busy rushing." shoot. I was rushing because I didn't want to be late. Oh good gosh.

He laughed, "It's alright Hal. It's been awhile, huh?"

"Yeah, yeah it was Caleb." I look at him with a remembering smile.

When he and Terry were still together, we were rather close. He even gave me Hal for a nickname so it would match his, Cal. It all ended when Terry decided to end things for the both of them, Caleb and I haven't spoken since. Not until today, at least.

"I'd like to hang out soon, if you're up for it." he offered.

"Yeah, I'd like that. Just like the old times." I say and we both laugh. "I really need to go now, Cal. Just hit me up, alright?"

"See you later, Harlowe." and then we walked our seperate ways.

After my encounter with Caleb, I'm not quite sure if I'd tell anyone, especially Terry. She'll probably be like 'Avoid him at all costs! Who's your better friend?! Me or him?!'

I sighed and thought about it the whole way to the cafeteria. I got there and fell into line to get some lunch and found my friends at our usual table.

They all eyed me and Terry took the liberty to start.

"Where have you been?"

"I was on my way when I bumped into Caleb right around the corner. We chatted for a bit -"

"Wait... What did you say?!"

Shoot. I knew she wouldn't be too pleased to hear his name.

"I said that I bumped into Caleb and we chatted for a little while." I elaborate and took my seat; across Nala and at Bree's left.

"No, say it like how you said it the first time." her eyes piercing into mine. She wasn't mad, she was afraid. Well, that's my interpretation.

"I was on my way when I bumped into Caleb right around the corner. That's where you cut me off." after that, I took a sip from my rootbeer.

Terry looked away and started eating on her food again, the entire lunch was a bit quiet than usual. Some chatter here and there but it would die down.

What did I say?

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