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Introduction Greetings, my friend.

My name is Snowthorn.

I am a Snowdragon, and I have a true tale for all who are willing to listen. No doubt some will scoff and scorn, but that is the way of man.

But hopefully some of you will listen and learn, and if this is so, important lessons can be learned.

You are not made from what you think.

Your Bible says that you came from Adam, and that is partly correct, but the truth is inside you. It's in your blood and bone.

Think deep down within yourself, you will feel the truth of what I say.

But can you handle the truth?

We shall see...

First, we shall have to go back to the start, to the very beginning; to a time when the cosmos was young and hot; to a time when creation's fire had not yet cooled, and the planets had yet to choose their eternal paths.

Things were different then: violent, turbulent and chaotic. One planet, we shall call her Tiamat the great dragon - was very unstable.

Disrupting all the others with her rogue moon – Kingu.

She caused a great commotion in the heavens, all the planets appealed to the Great Creation Spirit for aid, and the unseen power of the universe, sent a saviour.

A huge planet sped into the solar system, fast and furious, with its four moons spinning like mighty weapons.

This was Nibru with the 'four winds' - the heaven-sent champion.

Onward he came, caught in our sun's gravity, setting a course of doom - a collision course with the great dragon Tiamat.

As the fateful event approached, Tiamat bulged in fury, spitting flame and rock into space. Nibru came ever onward, gathering speed and pulling his weapons close.

The 'North wind' smashed into her, splitting the angry monster in two, crushing half of Tiamat to pieces and sending the severed half, and her protector - Kingu, spinning off into the void.

This event created the asteroid belt, and the split part of the beast became a beautiful, little, blue and green planet - Earth, Gaia and her protector, the ever present moon Kingu.

This all took place many, many billions of years ago, and it took millions more to cool and condense, into the green gem of a world you now inhabit.

The truth of these events is in evidence all around you, from the frozen lofty peaks of the Himalayas, to the deep featureless plain of the PacificOcean bed.

One half of the dragon, now one whole new planet, with a life of its own, gentle and peaceful in her destined place. Life began slowly and the dinosaurs, my ancestors, reigned for a very long time. Till a devastating meteor stuck, and the ice came and claimed most of them.

But evolution is a fickle force, for the mammals came forth to take their place.

The foremost was the Neanderthal, forerunner to modern man, who adapted and learned to survive those cold ages, with no further aid from evolution. This is how it would have remained, had it not been for the Annunaki; the biblical Nephelim.

They were the advanced beings from the planet Nibru, champion of the solar system, the giant purple planet that still circles our sun on a very long orbit.

Some thought them Gods, living by modern standards, impossibly long lives.

They arrived here tens of thousands of years ago.

They came with darkness in their hearts.

They came and changed everything, they came in search of gold. I remember it well...for I was there...

Gaia's Sword - A Dragon's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now