Like Children

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{Last Chapter Ending}
I stared at her eyes, pecked her cheek and carried her to bed. I cuddled with her and started relaxing at the sound of her breathing. We both fell asleep in each others arms. These are the moments you wish could last forever

New Chapter Beginning {Laura's POV}

My alarm clock annoyingly beeped. I opened my eyes and hit it, shutting it up. It had been a week since Taylor and I kissed. We had continued with our daily schedule and routine. We didn't talk about it or about Jason.
I got up and walked to the bathroom, I stared at my reflection, I looked broken. You could tell by my eyes, they were droopy and didn't shine. I haven't been able to keep her off my mind. I brushed my teeth and took a shower. I put on my uniform and decided to straighten my hair today. I took a last glance at the mirror and walked to the lobby.
I saw a blonde spinning around in the chair, looking like she was having the time of her life. An idea came into my head and i chuckled silently. I jogged quickly back to where i came from. Then I went through the other side of the hotel and hid behind a wall.
I discreetly looked over my shoulder to see her still spinning in the chair. Quietly, I crawled over making sure she didn't see me. I jumped up towards her and yelled "BOOO!!"
She screamed loudly and fell backwards.
"LAURAAAAA" she yelled loudly while laughing.
"YeAh??" I managed to get out while choking from laughter.
She quickly stood up and tackled me to the floor.
"Oh, yoUR GONNA PAY FOR THIS" She screeched loudly.
"Ahem" we heard someone say from the desk while we were wrestling each other. It was a girl, casually dressed late 20's at most.
"Umm, I'd like a room" she spoke.
"Oh, yes of course" I said getting up and handing her a room key while writing her information on the computer. I looked back and saw Taylor standing behind me, blushing from embarrassment.
"Thanks" the woman smirked.
"No problem" I responded wondering why she smirked.
After she left I looked back at Taylor, looking at me with raised eyebrows and narrowed eyes.
"Shit" I mumbled under my breath.
I began running down the halls with Taylor close behind me. I kept running around random halls until I came upon an open elevator with no one inside.
I looked behind and didn't see Taylor there. I ran to the elevator and quickly pressed the 2nd floor button (the only other floor). The elevator's door closed and started moving slowly.
The elevator made the "Ding!" sound and then it opened. When it was open completely and I was about to walk out, i heard "NFKCOEKANSO" and i was suddenly on the ground with the blonde on top of me.
She was giggling like a little child, so happy that she got me. I quickly closed my eyes and slowed my breathing, pretending to be dead. She started laughing and tickling me, to which I hadn't laughed because I'm not ticklish. Although, I did have to stop myself from smiling like an idiot because she was too adorable.
"Oh my god, Laura!!" she screamed.
She shook my head and checked my pulse. "LAURA, LAURA WAKE UP!" she yelled.
"Ugh, this dork" i thought to myself.
She was pacing all over and decided to pull her phone out.
"911" she said under her breath. Fuck. I opened my eyes a bit and looked at her. She wasn't facing me. I quietly got up and ran up to her, tackling her to the ground just before she clicked the call button.
"LAURAA, YIU SCARED ME TO DEATH!" she cried out.
I saw her mascara was messed up and her eyes were red. Had she been crying? Does she really care about me?
"I'm... I'm sorry" I said, feeling ashamed for scaring her.
"I'll get you back" she smirked.
"Mkay, you can try. But we need to get back to work." I told her. We both went into the elevator and waited for it to bring us back to the 1st floor. I saw her looking at me out of the corner of my eye. I turned my head to her and saw her smiling.
"What?" I asked blushing.
"Nothing." she answered back innocently.
I smirked and then she playfully hit my arm.
The elevator opened and we got back to work. The rest of the day went normally without us tackling each other or having tickle fights.
But every now and then I noticed Taylor glance at me and instantly smile.

Author's Notes-
Im sorry i took so long to update ive been dealing with personal issues a lot. Thank you guys so much for all the reads and votes. Ill try to have another chapter up by Thursday, at the latest Friday, Ill try to make it longer than this one.

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