
97 13 1

december 10th, 9:46am

you're waiting for me at the oak tree just like the first time.

i smile, i'm falling for you and i really hope you catch me.

"hey "

"lil i need to tell you something"

"go ahead then?"

you pull me towards you and envelope me in a clumsy hug

i hug you back

"what was that for?" i asked a smile forming on my lips

you place your hands on my shoulders and turn me around, my back facing you and you slowly slip a chain around my neck and fasten it at the back.

"this is for all the lemon teas you've made me and all the memories we made. it's sort of like a promise ring, but it's a necklace"

i look down to find a silver tea cup pendent and i give a wide smile

"what exactly are you promising me, jacob? cause if it's marriage i'm going to downright refuse you"

You laugh and pulled me towards you, your hands around my waist.

"it's a promise to love you till whenever you let me. it's a promise that i'll always be your lemon tea boy if you always be my latte girl"

i blush a deep red and i rest my head on your chest.
"i'll be anything you want me to be, jake" i whisper

you let out a low chuckle and bring your lips closer to mine.
we pause sharing the same air for a few seconds before you lean in and seal your lips with mine.

i couldn't stop smiling throughout the kiss.

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