Life is all Good

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Macie's Pov:
*5weeks after having the baby sis*

Avery was doing great and me and Jacob well we are just doing fine and yes we are still dating. School? Well, it's going great (note the sarcasm)!

Then I receive a text from Jacob

J: hey sweet cheeks, I have a special day planned for us today! 3oclock today sound good?
I love you💘
M: hey babe, I am always ready for a day with you! And three is just fine and I can't wait! I love you more💙
J: okay we'll see Ya later!😘xoxo
M: xoxoxoxoxoxo💕

After we texted I felt a burst of excitement! I ran to my closet since it was 1 o'clock and grabbed the cutest outfit I saw ( in media). I put on my sandals and curled my hair and put on a little makeup. Tbh I looked hot😂

3 o'clock:::::

Jacobs pov:
I rang her doorbell. She answered and I stood there staring but she just blushed and said " wait I have to run and grab my purse brb". I waited and she ran back.

While we were walking we were admiring the view. I was leading her to the beach. We finally arrived and we took off our shoes and walked across the shore and put our feet in the hot sand.  " ouch" she said " what's wrong" I replied. " oh I just stepped on a shell" she said while laughing. Then I picked up the shell and looked her in the eyes and said " babe, this shell is like you, it's unique and special, and shines in the sun." "Aww thanks baby." She said

After walking and talking for a while we noticed it was getting dark. Time for the night show I thought to myself.  As we were walking to my next plan she started to get cold so I took off my sweatshirt and offered it to her. We were following the lanterns that I had made a path with to our special spot. We finally arrived and she said " oh my gosh it's so beautiful I love it." I replied " I'm glad". We sat down both wrapped in the same blanket and admiring the stars. " you know, you are the stars in my galaxy, each star is a reason why I love you." I said, then I pushed her lips into mine. We kissed for about 10 seconds, " thanks babe, I love you to the moon and back" she said. I then reached for the picnic bag and pulled out some Chipotle for us. " awe your the best boyfriend ever Jacob Sartorius" she said. After we ate we headed back to her house and went up to her room. She then went to go change in the bathroom while I sat on her bed looking through Insta and looking how many likes I got on the photo of me and her, wow 5.6 million!  She then came out and we slowly drifted off to sleep with her still in my arms!

So authors note:
How do u like the book comment bc I need to know! Thanks for the reads and votes! I love you

Falling in Love with my neighbor// Jacob Sartorius fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now