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(P.S. I originally wrote this as another person but kept everything except my name the same and I wrote it as if I was in 8th grade at the time of writing it)
Hi. So, I'm A and I'm currently in 8th grade. Uh, I guess to start off I should say some stuff about me.
So, I'm 13 right now, music is my life, I mostly listen to rock and metal, and I'm a hardcore fangirl. I like to read a lot, mostly supernatural romance or action romance. Tv is also my life, mostly Netflix and YouTube. I live with my mom, Melinda, step-dad, Travis, two older step-brothers, Aaron, a 17 year old senior and Trevor, a 14 year old freshman, and younger sister, Savannah, who's 11 in sixth grade. I also have an older step-sister, Tiffany, on my step-dads side that doesn't live with us who is 25 I think and had two girls. And then there's my dad, Greg, and step-mom, Laura, and older step-sister, Anna, on my step-moms side who's 20 and goes to Florida Tech. And no, I don't hate my step-siblings/parents and they aren't evil or anything. They're all pretty nice.
I also live in small town Stuart's Draft, Virginia. Uh, yeah, I think that's it.
Oh yeah, I'm also incredibly socially awkward and don't actually know how to have a normal conversation with someone.
Kay, so right now I'm on the way to Trevor's basketball game with Travis and mom.
When we get to the high school, they buy the five dollar tickets for each of us and we walk into the new gym.
The school just built a new gym that they mainly use for sports and the old gym is used for gym classes I guess. I don't know why they did that, but whatever, I think it's bigger so yeah.
We find a seat on the home side of the bleachers, in the middle row. Travis sits near the steps, my mom sits next to him and I sit next to her.
They guys are doing the warm up for the first game of the season. Last year I wasn't really interested in basketball, but my mom convinced me to come to the last one and I loved it. So I decide to come and see if I still liked it.
The game started and I was instantly hooked. I really liked the fast pacing and just rooting for our team was really fun.
I looked at the guys. Some of them were kinda hot. I grabbed the roster sheet that Travis had and looked at who some of the players were. Some of them I already knew from school and from some of them being friends with Trevor.
I watched the game and it eventually ended with a win on our side. We decided to stay for the varsity game, plus we had to wait for Trevor to get out of the locker room anyway.
When the varsity guys came out and the game started, I noticed someone particularly yes. During half time I thought about it and he had been playing the whole game. And no surprise why, he was really good.
He was blond and from where I was, everything about him just seemed amazing.
Before we go on, let's just say I'm a very emotional person and I can get a little crazy and stalkerish a lot.
I looked up his number on the roster. His name was Carson Peck. It said he was a softmore. Two years. I knew right then I should get away from him as soon as possible, but I couldn't take my eyes off of him.
Then the game ended. I watched him for as long as I could until he went into the locker room.
We left and when we got home, I thought about him until I fell asleep.
And that was only the beginning.

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