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I had grown more and more obsessed with Carson. From forcing my friends to coming to games with me an making them take pictures of him, to looking at his picture in the yearbook every morning. I thought about him mad dreamt about him.
One of my friends found out he had a girlfriend. It made me upset but I figured I had no chance with him anyways, so I guess it didn't rally faze me all that much.
Basketball season ended and I kind of forgot about, only thinking about him every now and then.m
Summer came and went, and I had forgotten about him completely.
There was this thing where the high school invited all the soon to be freshman to come to the school about a month before it started up again so they could show us around the school and stuff. A few of the upperclassmen were there to be mentors for us.
We were waiting in the cafeteria until they thought everyone was there. Not to be conceited or anything, but I thought I looked pretty good that day. I didn't have any acne, my makeup looked good, and I wore an August Burns Red grey tank top with short jean shorts.
I was sitting at a table and talking to the friend I made take pictures of Carson before.
"So, you still obsessed with Carson?" She asked.
"Nah, I'm completely over him." I said.
For some reason, that day there were a bunch of guys in the old gym. It was probably for football tryouts or something like that. Anyways, every now and then, they would come into the cafeteria and get a drink from the water fountains. The gym was directly across from the cafeteria, so it made sense they would do that.
We went on with the day and eventually came back to the cafeteria to just hang out until they had finished cooking hot dogs for us and setting up a water slide.
Me and my friend were watching them and commenting how some of them were pretty hot.
Apparently the guys had a break and came out and hung out with us. My friend knew some of them and they came over and started talking to her. When it comes to her, whenever a guy starts talking to her, I no longer exist, so I went and hung out with my other friends.
After a while, the guys break was over, and she came over to me and sat down.
We were talking, when I saw him.
He was standing by the gym doors talking to someone.
The moment I laid eyes on him, I fell in love all over again.

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