The end

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At 11 he was diagnosed with schizophrenia by a doctor. His doctor recommended a counselor. Harry met the man who seemed like a giant, with a large beard and a new accent. "My name's Hagrid!" He announced "I'm here to take you away from all of your pain!" Harry went to counseling every day and was taken out of the dursley's custody when they learned about the abuse.
He lived in a foster home that had a friendly man who owned the place and went by Dumbledore.
Ron was his friend, his best friend. Ron had a pet rat who lived in the vents. Ron and Harry liked to play pretend until they were older. Ron talked of his old family who died in a house fire and Harry liked to imagine living with them.
Hermione was a weird girl who liked to play wizards too much. Harry and Ron didn't mind her after awhile and eventually got used to it, having lots of fun. They pretended Harry's scar was from the debt collector who came around once a year, they named him Voldemort. They pretended this because he was always mean.
Draco was the not that got Harry in trouble for playing in the girl's bathroom when they were fighting the troll with Hermione. Draco was the one who pushed harry off of his bike, which Harry said was his broomstick, and caused him to break his arm. The nurse was a dumb man who didn't know how to deal with broken bones and made it worse.
Harry was happy in his fantasy world, even if the Dursley's came to mock Harry every once in awhile.

When he left, he wasn't happy enough. Wizards aren't real in this world.

Harry Potter died at age 19 from suicide.

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