my familiar

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i was at lucinda place (by the way phoenix drop is never in ruins at this book) she teaching me spell and potion then when i was practicing a spell i accidentally said the wrong spell instead a nature spell i do a familiar spell and now i have a familiar who looks like cute little girl and she has a kitty ears and tail and her size is like kawaii -chan dolls but lucinda said it can rest in the spritual word and now i haven't call her in day and now am going to lucinda to do more spell with her it fun hang out wit her she like a sister to me when i got to lucinda i found her house was broken well her indoor house is not the outdoor i quickly call my familiar kimo (yes her name is kimo if you don't like it then change it)

"kimo do you know what happend here?"i ask

"i-um am sorry i don't know"she said i pat her head and smile

"kimo come with me and help me find lucinda ok"i said with a smile but inside i was freaking out i remember familiar can sense another familiar 

"kimo can you sense lucinda familiar"i said 

"well i can but it can take a while"she said i smile and explore phoenix drop when everyone saw kimo they always squeeze her to death but i think she use to it thought we were at the the forest looking for lucinda then a 20 minute later kimo was acting rather unusual and every time i ask her she said am ok am worried 

what could she be hiding?

familliar (Laurance x reader) (Under Editing) Where stories live. Discover now