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Your pov 

i quickly fly in the room and spot luki, garroth was about to finish luki but i block him "(y/n) wait aphmau"he said and tear slip in his check "garroth i didn't kill aphmau don't worry"i said and turn to luki "and i remember pretty much very thing ne~"i said and grin like a psycho "And you why did you erase my memory say it for your last word"i said and and raise my sword he couldn't move because he was tired and couldn't move "read the book"he said and a book was in front of me it was the book i reed early on i skip most of the part

"but they didn't now that she had bare twins with the king one was a girl with (e/c) and (h/c)(h/l) and the other one was a boy with (e/c) and (h/c)(h/l)"i said then i look around and saw everybody froze except me and luki "brother?so you're my twin"i said coldly he just nod then a man dress in dark cloak came "son you did well"he said in deep and scary tone 

"thank you father"he said "Daughter am disappointed but it not your fault if they didn't erase you're true past you will help us but fate got the best and erase it but you can join now"he said and raise his hand in mid air my mind say yes but my heart say no 

Luki pov

yes father finally arrive he raise his hand to let (y/n) shake it i saw (y/n) her right eye is normal but her left eye have still little magic left i couldn't help but smirk if she accept she gets to be my queen when i rule and gets to torture and boss her around hehe this will be fun.

Your pov

"no..NO I WON'T ACCEPT"i scream luki eyes widen in shock "so be it"father said then shadow surround us and brought us to the neither throne room "i bring you here for you to change your mind"he said "father their is nothing to change my mine , your blood is in my vain but it mean nothing to me ,bond with friends is like a family"i said and turn to luki me and luki starring at each other "and brother you could chance your way you don't have to follow father"i said "but father have command me to do-"he said but got interrupted by me  

"do you want to follow it"i said he look away "i do....don't"he said "well then brother you should stop it and choose your way"i said and turn to father "father you have no ally left what will you now"i said

"traitor son, disappointment Daughter, ungrateful children why are you even born?why do i even have feelings"he said "father human have feeling love, happy, sad, and anger"i said "i know that but the question is why?"he said and sat in the throne "i don't know father humans/us haven't discovered it yet but if it dose it will be something cheesy or nothing logical"i said

"i want to know I.WANT.TO.KNOW .NOW"he said and dark aura surround him and  transform him to a demon a very scary,and powerful demon "I wAnt tO KnOw noW"he said "father please calm down please we don't want to fight knowledge is power i now but theirs a knowledge you might know it hidden deep"i said and walk toward luki with a smile on my face "but we can learn them surely if we take the time to know what knowledge to learn "i said and i saw father looking mad he then 

suddenly spoke "hahahahaha foolish,just foolish you think  that they know your really foolish aren't you"he said and laughing it got me piss so bad "NO FATHER YOU ARE YOUR'RE EVEN FOOLISH THAT I AM BECAUSE YOU WANT LOVE BUT YOU DIDN'T UNDERSTAND MOM FEELINGS YOUR THE BIGGEST FOOL THAN I AM"i scream

i saw luki and father their eyes widen then father continue to laugh ""he said between laugh urh the nerve of father "father if (y/n) saying your foolish then you are i believe it (y/n) am sorry if i treated you badly pleas accept my apology"he said and knee down and kiss my hand  i smile i look to see father in frustration shadows form him then guard of shadow came to the room 

i summon my sword and he summon his we fight for a long period of time we knock them unconscious the only thing conscious left is our father, he clap his hand and said "very good but one thing you have to defeat me"he said i grip my sword hard and we both charge at him father shoot some shadow bolts at us but we doge it pretty well i attack father in front luki attack on the back but before we can hit him he disappear i look around so as luki we can't find him then i look at the another side i turn around again then i saw the most terrifying happen to me 

Luki got hit by a shadow blade     

familliar (Laurance x reader) (Under Editing) Where stories live. Discover now