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Laurance pov
i was talking to garroth then i saw <y/n> patrolling in the plaza then something slip to my mouth "i don't know why but my heart kept beating fast like it's explode ever time i saw her ,her hair flow in the wind ,her eyes beautiful like a moonlight , her smile make my heart beat explode , when she say my name i blush ,she a good fighter ,a smart person,always serious, but do i have any chance with her i mean she great and all but she too great do i even..." "don't be silly laurance aphmau loves you but she being serious.. sometimes but not always"garroth said "W-W-What d-d-di-d i just say"i said "your feeling towards aphmau"he said "aphmau?no it's.."i said "what!you don't like aphmau anymore"he said "well aphmau did reject me every time i tell her i love her but i move on and fallen to another maiden"i said "who is it?"he ask "am not telling you until you confess to aphmau"i said "hi guyz"someone said we turn around and see <y/n> "hi"we both said "do you know where's dante he said he going to help me "she said and looking around "maybe he's on the guard tower or on the wall "garroth said "thanks"she said and run/leave

i was searching in the wall i saw brendan being shot by i arrow i quickly run to tell the others but i fell a bit dizzy then i black out

??? POV

"naught <y/n> you shouldn't tell the others"i said and pick her up and went to my hideout

"i will free you soon don't worry"

familliar (Laurance x reader) (Under Editing) Where stories live. Discover now