Unwanted Secrets (For: JustinBiebersBae135)

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This and Jason McCann imagine about him and one of his gang members sisters for justinbiebersbae135. Hope you like it. -.- It's pretty long.


Y/N's P.O.V

I giggled against Jason's lips as he mumbled sweet nothings to me. "You're so cute when you laugh." He chuckled which caused a blush to rise to my cheeks.

"Thank you..." I whispered. "Jay, what if Roman find out about us?" I questioned looking up into his eyes. He sighed and licked his lips slightly. His hand found themselves on my waist as we laid in silence. Slightly he gripped my hips before opening his mouth to speak.

"We'll fight." He spoke up before pecking my lips slightly.

I heard the door slam down stairs causing me to launch up. "Jason, they're back." I hissed which made him jump up. I watched as he grabbed his jeans off of the floor, along with his t-shirt.

"Love you, baby." He rushed before placing a light kiss on my forehead and exiting out of my bedroom door.

I smiled and stood up before running to my restroom.

I had to smell of sex. There was no way in hell that there wasn't a stench of me and jason's aroma on me. I'm pretty sure the smell was lingering around the room, but i'll take care of that after I shower.


"Y/N!" I heard my older brother Roman yelled from the planning room, which was odd. I was never allowed in there.

"Here I come." I hollered back. I grabbed a scrunchie and quickly tied my hair up before rushing out of my room and down the hall. I entered the white door at the end of the hall. "You need me?" I asked only to have everyone's attention on me.

I could see the fury in my brothers eyes as he looked over at me. Without thinking my eyes searched the room for Jason's, and when I found them I knew something was wrong.

"Take a seat." Roman said sickeningly sweet motioning over to the seat across from Jason's.

I gulped and nodded before walking over to the chair and plopping my bottom down in it. I swallowed the lump in my throat before looking over at Roman. "What'd you need?" I asked biting my bottom lip softly. He chuckled and shook his head before pointing to the laptop in the center of the table.

"Jason, why don't you pass her that?" Roman implied.

Slowly Jason reached across the table and grabbed the computer. "Here." He whispered before pushing it to me. I thanked him and placed the laptop in front of me.

"Click enter." Roman spat.

I rose my shaky hand before pressing down on the enter button. Instantly moans and groans filled my hearing. Soon a image appeared on the screen and of course it was of me and Jason fulfilling our desires.

I looked away and whimpered.

"Look at the fucking screen! Watch it!" Roman barked causing me to flinch and turn my head back to the screen.

'Oh, Jason! Yes fuck me harder, daddy.' I heard the voice of my own yell. I heard a couple of snickers come from the guys while Jason sat across from me growling in anger. 'You like that, baby? Hmm?' Jason grunted. It was as if Roman was waiting for something because from my view he looked as if he wanted to haul the computed out the window.

Then that's when I heard my name. The confirmation that it was infact me being plunged into. 'S-shit y/n.' I froze up completely.

"Turn it off." Roman whispered, and I obliged. I slammed the top of the laptop down causing the pleasure sounds to shut off. "Didn't I tell you not to get into a relationship with my gang members?" Roman growled.

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