Chapter Three

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I enter Deans dream seeing as he'll be the harder one to convince. He's sitting on a deck that's leads out to a lake, fishing. I watch him for a moment, perplexed on why he would dream of this, and so fondly? I approach him and he turns as he hears my shoes thud against the wood. When we make eye contact he jumps to his feet with a fierce look in his eye.

"What the hell?!"

"Dean I need you to believe me." I state simply.

"What the hell is going on?"

"We're in your dream." he looks around slowly before turning back to me.

"And you brought us here?"

"Yes, if I had my wings I would prove I was an angel that way, but everything I've said is true. I lost them because I had to fall from heaven. My brothers and sisters...they've began fighting over power. Order is being lost in heaven,"

"So why'd you have to tell me all this in a dream?"

"I wanted to show you some form of my angelic abilities,"

"Hmm..even if what you say is true, how could me and Sam help? I mean angelic wars? That seem a little out of our league."

"The war is none of your concern, I only need your help to....camouflage me. The angels are preoccupied with the war for now, but when they find out that I chose to fall rather than join them...they will come after me. And I need to be hard to find." He turns away from me and faces towards the lake. He doesn't speak for a while but finally turns back towards me.

"How are we supposed to know if we can trust you?  I wont put Sam's life in danger,"

"I don't know how to ensure you that you can trust me, but I can give you my word, that if Sam's, or your, life is put in danger because of me, I will leave. and you will never see me again." Again it is silent for a long time, so I say the only human thing I know to say.

"Please." He rubs his jaw, then struts over to me.

"Alright. We'll help you but we still wont trust you," I nod and leave his dream. I open my eyes and I'm back in the hotel room, their still sleeping bodies laying on the floor. I bend down and touch their foreheads once again, this time waking them up. They both jump back up quickly, looking around before their eyes focus on me.

"So, Sam, Dean, What do I need to know about being human?" Dean rolls his eyes and looks at Sam shaking his head. Sam just looks confused so Dean sighs.

"We'll start your human lessons...tomorrow but for now, get the hell out of our room."

Deans P.O.V 

I'm still not fully convinced she's an angel, but that thing she did with her eyes...I'd never seen that before. And coming into my dream like that? And everything she told me about this war going on with the angels... I don't want to trust her, but she really seemed like she was telling the truth.

After I tell her to get the hell out I tell Sam everything that happened in my dream.

"Dean...I know its crazy but... I believe her. I mean, I always kinda believed in angels anyway,"

"Yeah I know Sam, that's why I don't want you to get carried away with this. Keep your head out of the clouds, we cant trust her." He nods and we fall silent for a moment.

"All she wants is human lessons... that cant be so bad... right?" I shrug my shoulder and lay back on the bed.

"Unless its all just a distraction, some kind of trap." he doesn't respond and lays back as well. We both just lay there for hours, thinking about the possibility of her being an actual angel, and without me knowing it we fall  asleep.


I know another short chapter

 but its a new story give me a break! haha

but hey don't forget to tell me what cha think!



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