Chapter Seven

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Dean's P.O.V

I wouldn't say I rushed to my room, but I made it there in record time, slamming the door behind me just a little too hard. My head spins from the alcohol so I sit on the bed and close my eyes. When I finally feel alright I open my eyes and look at my hands confused.

What the hell just happened?

"Are you wishing to accomplish sexual concord with me?"

I hear her say again and my face heats up again.

How the hell is she so blunt? I mean I don't want to have sexual concord with her.... I mean I don't, not want to have sexual concord with her either. She's extremely beautiful, and has a beautiful hair, and a nice voice, and she's so confused all the time it's adorable.

I shake my head and lay back on the bed.

I need to stop thinkin

Cas's P.O.V.

It is many hours before Sam wakes up. I follow him into the kitchen where he grabs a water bottle and takes a drink. When he turns around he smiles at me.

"Morning Cas,"

"Good morning Sam," He walks out of the kitchen and into the large front room. He pulls out his laptop and gets a concentrated look on his face as he scrolls through it. I sit down next to him, I don't say anything for a while, but finally I clear my throat awkwardly. He looks at me with an uplifted eyebrow.

"Sam, does flirting always mean that one wants sexual relations?" He coughs and looks at me with shocked eyes before clearing his throat and leaning back.

"Um...why do you ask?"

"Dean was flirting with me," he laughs and shakes his head before picking up his laptop and leaving the table.

"You'll just have to ask him.." he laughs one more time and leaves, going towards him room. I stare after him confused.

Why couldn't he just tell me...

It's another couple hours before Dean emerges from his room. He walks into the kitchen and grabs a water bottle as Sam did.

"Hello Dean," he jumps and turns around quickly.

"Cassie...I didn't see you," he closes the fridge and walks over the table resting his head in his hands.

"Are you feeling ill?" I ask. He looks up at me with furrowed brows.

"Hangover," I nod and touch his forehead with two fingers, healing the "hangover's" affect. His eyes widen for a second before he smiles.

"Well would you look at that, she's a hangover cure," I smile and get that feeling in my chest again. Suddenly, a thought occurs to me.

Maybe that feeling indicates that I wish to have sexual relations with Dean...

I mule this over, and it seems the best explanation. If this is true, I should learn to flirt so I can let my feeling be known.

"Dean, I'd like to be taught how to flirt." He looks at me blankly, then a red tint fills his cheeks.

"Why?" he asks. I probably shouldn't tell him the truth or that'd defeat the entire purpose.

"It seems a reasonable human thing to learn..." He doesn't say anything for a few minutes but finally, he responds.

"I....Okay," I smile but right at that moment Sam walks into the room with his laptop in hand.

"Hey guys, get this. Three people have gone missing in Lexington, Kentucky, all the vic's were spotted in this club with a man before disappearing, but nobody can locate this mystery man...sound like a case?" He looks between us. Deans nods standing up.

"Let's head out," he leaves the room quickly, Sam turns to me with a smile.

"Did you ask him?" He seems rather amused for some reason.

"No," He shakes his head, still smiling, and follows Dean. I follow them out to the car, but before i can get in Dean yells out.

"Woah, woah, woah, you cant come," I tilt my head at him.


"You could get hurt." I roll my eyes at this.

"I'm an angel of the Lord." He looks at Sam who shrugs his shoulders.

"She could come in handy," he says and slides into the passenger seat. Dean looks back at me with pursed lips before sliding into his seat. I follow suit and soon we're on the road.


I know this chapter is pretty short but I have some pretty good shit planned you just wait!



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