"What perhaps could be his story?"

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Bhagwa colored bandana on the bun,
A rudraksh garland around the wrists and in the neck.
Crimson red tilak on his forehead that stood perpendicularly right in between the lines made by ashes- extending their way from one temple to the other.
Ash or the holy bhabhoot smeared body made up for the pilgrimage at every other step and people bowed down to this young lad (too young for spirituality).
I saw him treading the road carelessly, smoking pot and humming to his own tunes.
What perhaps could be his story?
I wondered.
Maybe, he was just another young guy that found a way to smoke pots and still get away with it, obviously by chanting "Bham Bhole".
Or maybe, this world was a colorful maze for him and he found it hard to get out of it. So, he decided not to enter it and just observe it by not being a part of it.
What perhaps could be his story? I was still trying to   ashore the ship of my thoughts that fought the tempests of my arguments while he slipped out of my sight.

Meanings of the Hindi words used-
1) Bhagwa- Saffron color (In India, saints wear saffron color).
2) Rudraksh- A bead (said to have formed due to the tears of Lord Shiva)
3) Tilak- A mark on the forehead suggesting knowledge, status and respect.
4) Bhabhoot- A kind of a holy ash.
5) Bham Bhole- A phrase to hail Lord Shiva.

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