Chap. 5 : A Drunken Confession part 2

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Zoro's POV ~
"Ugh." Ruffa groaned after she drank the last sake beside me. "Hey. You okay?" I asked her. "Huh~? *hic* Whasha you shalkin about~*hic* of cush am fine~*hic*. Ehehehe~." she drunkenly said. She just got two bottles and she's already drunk. What a woman. Well, she did say she's never tried one. This maybe her first. "Huh? Hwat are y-*hic* you lookin atch, freety voy~." she points at me. "Pretty boy, huh. So this is what happens when you drink. You get drunk." I smirked at her situation. "I'm not *hic* drunk you know~. *hic* Gimme that." she snatched my almost empty sake in my hands amd drank it. "Ahhh~." she then threw the bottle across the room. I don't know what to do with her. She's completely drunk. But I was still the one who made her drunk, so I'm responsible for this.
"Ne, Zoro~." she starts to crawl on top of me. It's a good thing she's flat chested, or other wise her boobs wil really touch my chest. And right now, I didn't know what to do. "Ne, Zoro~." "W-What?" I stuttered. "Why's your hair green." she finally spoke clearly. But, why did she ask a question like that. "I-It's natural. Besides, you're drunk. So stop saying silly things and silly questions." I said to her. "No, I'm not *hic* drunk. I'll prove it." she said. And then she, smirked. What she did was unexpected. She kissed me on the cheek. "How about *hic* that, grumpy o meanie Zoro~. *hic* Haha." she laughed. My face was starting to heat up. "Hahaha, *hic* I made you blush~." she started to tease me that I was blushing. "I'm not!" I covered my face with my arm. "Yeah, you *hic* are. Your face is red. *hic* Too bad it's not *hic* green." okay, I think what she said, really made me blush.
"W-What do you mean by that?" I asked, while she was still awkwardly lying on top of me. "Hehe, I mean I-*hic* I like you, you greeny~.*hic*" "Okay? You're p-probably just saying things because you're drunk. You've had enough alcohol for tonight for tonight. Let's just get your bed." I tried to stand up but she pushed me down. "Aw~, but Zoro. I want to *hic* know you more~. I like you." "No, you don't. You're drunk. Now be quiet so no one will hear you while I take you to your place." *thud* she suddenly collapsed on top of me, her head resting on my chest. It was quiet all of a sudden. I sat up and realised she was already sleeping. Silly woman. I finally stood up, picked her up and carried her bridal style.
Afrer I got down from the crows nest, I directly went into thw girls room. I pushed the door open using my back. I found Robin and Nami already sleeping on their double deck beds beside the window. Since they're both now sleeping here, the others are probably asleep already. I saw a free unused, yet clean single bed, which must be Ruffa's. I placed he down gently o her bed. After I wrapped her with the covers, I started to walk away.
"Don't leave me. D-Don't go." she suddenly grabbed my hands and said those words while her eyesare still closed. She, doesn't want me to leave? ", No, Rafael." my eyes widened. She didn't meant me. She meant for the guy named, Rafael. But she still didn't let go of my hand. She gripped it tighter. I guess I can't leave her, even thought she needed someone else. I grabbed a chair and sat down, while still holding her hand and watch her sleep. I don't want to let go of her hand either. Then, a tear slipped from her eyes. my hand moved on its own and wiped her tear away. What is she dreaming and who is she dreaming?

(A/N: Oooh, what are this questions? What is she dreaming? Who is she dreaming? Well, you'll find out soon. Nexr chapter, coming right up. Please don't forget to vote.)

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