More Than Best Friends(22)

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Chapter 22

I wake up feeling someone is laying next to me, arms wrapped around my waist, and my head in the crook of his neck. I think I know who this is. I look up meeting Niall's eyes. "What the hell?" I say trying to get out if his grip but failing.

"Why are you doing this?" He asks,

"Doing what?" I ask

"Your starving yourself, which I didn't expect from you, your cutting," he says while showing me my wrist.

"You don't even understand what I've been through the last 5 weeks!" I say suddenly getting out of his grip. "You fucking left me alone in London to spend time with the bitch, you to even believe her more than your best friend since diapers, and when I get home, all i get online is fucking hate, twitter accounts full of hate from Lovatics and Directioners saying that I'm ruining your fucking relationship with that slut!" I shout.

"If she was such a good person she would admit to her fucking fans that she is the one sending me threats," I say before walking downstairs. I hear Niall follow me.

"I love you Jessie," he blurts out,

"Yeah I really noticed," I reply with a tone full of sarcasm, he sighs.

"You know why I started dating her? I started dating her to get over you! I thought that you will never love me, so I started dating her, I was trying to lose my feelings for you but that never happened, they only got stronger and stronger. I don't even know why I started believing Demi,"

I sit down on the couch, "Remember what I told you on this couch, on this spot when I got home from the hospital,  told your would figure out my feelings, yeah, I did that, and it turned out like this 'I love my best friend, but now he's dating a fucking bitch thats trying to get rid of me,"

He sits down next to me and I say, "I had to watch you kiss her, and that hurt me so much, I had to watch you hug her, and guess what, that hurt me too, and then she started sending me death threats saying i had to kill myself, and you thought i send her those, now that fucking messed me up realizing that I don't even know why I stayed here." 

He sighs, "Do you know how much I regret not believing you? Or not being with you when you were in London?  Because i swear, that I've never regretted something so much,"

I bite my bottom lip and i hear my phone. Niall realizes he has it in his pocket and grabs it, looking at the screen. His eyes widen a little. "You never checked the messages did you?" I ask, he shakes his head, I grab my phone and look at the message,

Demi: you little fucking slut, stop with everything your doing, stop talking, stop sleeping, BUT MOST OF ALL STOP BREATHING.

"Oh and I really love this one," I say opening my messages, "die you bitch, your ruining my relationship with Niall, rot in hell,"

"Look Jessie, I'm so sorry, I really am, and I will do anything to make it up to you,"

"I don't know Niall,"

"I'll help you get over the cutting, ill get you back to your normal weight and after that you'll just tell me what I have to do to get you to trust me again,"

"Fine, but the first thing i want you to do is, break up with Demi," he nods about to grab his phone but i cut him off by saying, "on twitter,"

"Break up with Demi on twitter with the reason why." I say


HELLOOO:D hopefully you liked it!!:)

You guys should tell me if you want a sequel, cause i have no idea what to do, like end this book (in like 4 chapters) and never look at it again after making a epilogue or make a sequel, lol





-Nicole x

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