Chapter 2

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"Ring" "ring "ring"

I sighed In my sleep and rolled over so I could reach my phone

"Ugh what do you want" I said

Dang daya my bad did I wake you up" the voice laughed over the phone.

I couldn't help but smile. "Yes Trevor you did" I said trying to keep my voice angry but failing.

"You ain't mad though" he said and I could hear the smirk in his voice.

I laughed "whatever, so are you ready for tomorrow?"

"Yes and no this is my first music video daya and I don't wanna mess it up"he said

"Trev relax everything is going to be fine I promise you have a lot of good people working with you and their not gonna let anything go wrong" I said trying to comfort him.

He let out a breath. "Thanks daya I knew calling you would help with the nerves"

"You know I'm here whenever you need me" I said

"I know " he said "well I have to go I'll see you at the airport 8:00 okay?"

"Okay and deja and d are coming" I said

"Great we're gonna have a lot of fun, bye daya" he said

"Bye" I said and we hung up the phone. See I told myself things weren't awkward but I guess I can't speak too soon we haven't done the shoot yet. I signed and got out of bed to pack the clothes I should of packed yesterday.

It was about three aclock right now because d and deja didn't leave until three this morning and I didn't get in bed until four. So I threw on some camo legging a white tank top with a black leather jacket and my combat boots. I just left my hair down cause I didn't feel like dealing with it right now.

I threw the rest of the stuff I needed into my suitcase and dragged it down stairs. "Daddy" I yelled.

"What is it daya" he yelled down the stairs.

"Can you put my bag in the car for me please"I asked in my sweet voice.

"Yeah daya I'll be down in a second" he said

"Thanks daddy" I said while skipping into the kitchen and grabbing a vitamin water out of the refrigerator. As I was doing that my phone started ringing. I hoped up on the counter and answered the phone.

Me: "hello?"

Deja: " z let's go grab a bite to eat at kitchen 24"

Me: "okay what time?"

Deja: "here in about ten minutes me and d will meet you over there"

Me: "alright sounds cool i'll be there"

Deja: "alright bye" I hung up the phone and hoped off the counter as my dad was taking my suitcase to the car.

"Hey dad can you take me to kitchen 24"I asked

"Yeah sure lets go" he said I grabbed my bag off the counter and ran to the car.

4 hours later...

"Girls if you don't come on we're gonna be late, we're suppose to meet them there at 7:30" my dad yelled from outside

"We're coming"I yelled as we ran out to the car and hoped in the backseat

"You girls got everything"my mom asked

"Yep"we said and my dad took off heading for the airport. I could barely contain my excitement. I get to be in my first music video with my best friends!!

A few minutes later we arrived at the airport and my dad had a man take our bags for us. I pulled out my phone to text Trevor.

Me: hey we're here

Trevor: great were over by the food court.

Me: cool we'll head over there now

Trevor: alright see you soon 😉

I was blushing at the winky face he sent me when I noticed my friends were looking at me. I cleared my throat.

"Umm he's over at the food court" I said not looking at them

"Alright well lets head that way" said deja "I'm hungry again"

We all laughed and followed her to the food court. Once we got there I spotted Trevor sitting at a table with his manger I walked over to them.

" hey Trev" i said sitting next to him.

He looked up at me and smiled. My breath got caught in my throat as that smile sent tingles threw my body.

"Hey Z" he said while leaning over and pulling me into a hug. I hugged him back breathing in the scent of his cologne. I shook my head to clear the fog that just clouded my mind.

"So what you been up to daya I haven't seen you in a while"

he said after we pulled out of the hug.

"The usual you know, I just finished season three of shake it up and I'm working on some new music" i said

"That's great your album coming soon right?" He asked

"Yep this fall I'm so excited" I said and we sat there and talked until they called for our flight.

"Well we should go" he said grabbing my hand and pulling me toward the boarding station. When we got there deja,d, and my parents were already there waiting on us.

"Took y'all long enough" Deja said while looking at our locked hands

I dropped our hands "can we just get one the plane I'm tired" I said while yawning. My parents agreed and we all hurried to get on board. Me and Trevor had seats next to each other and across from us sat deja and d while my parents sat two seat behind us. I put my carry on bag in the compartment above us and sat back in the seat, Trevor did the same and a few minutes later the plane took off.

I felt my eyes drooping, but tried to keep them open so I could talk to Trevor, but apparently he noticed.

"Daya just go to sleep you look exhausted" he said

"No I'm fine and plus that would be rude" I said while yawning which didn't help my case at all. He laughed and lifted up the arm rest between us and patted his lap.

"Come on daya in fine, and plus I'll be asleep here in a little bit too" he said

I sighed and laid down on his lap." Thank Trev" I said while closing my eyes.

"Anytime daya" he said as he started playing with my hair and humming a song. And with that sweet melody in my ear I drifted off to sleep.

I hope you guys enjoyed it don't for get to comment and vote!!

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