14: We Will Find Our Way

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The song to listen to for this chapter  is Through The Dark!

Like the new cover?

Niall and Zayn ran down the streets, hand in hand. They could both assure each other that they hadn't been this happy in years. If Zayn wasn't so happy right now he'd be terrified. They were going to confront Niall's mother for god's sake, who wouldn't be terrified?

"Here we are..." Niall breathed. They had arrived a long time ago, but were too involved in the joyful atmosphere to realize.

"As happy as I am I'm also scared shit-less," Zayn breathed.

"Hey you'll be fine baby," Niall mumbled before kissing Zayn's lips. Zayn couldn't help but smile and take his hand.

"Let's go then."


Niall and Zayn sat in Niall's family room, surrounded by the Horans. Niall held Zayn's hand tighter as his mother's glare hardened.

"Hey boys," Bobby grinned, "what's up?"

"We've been good." Zayn answered politely for Niall, considering he was completely traumatized.

"That's good." he smiled before sitting down.

"What do you want." Niall's mum spat.

"We actually have some news, if you don't mind," Zayn said just as rudely. Niall's mum huffed and folded her arms.

Niall shrunk into Zayn and that's when the elder boy realized that he was the one that had to stay strong for them. Niall's own birth mother couldn't stand the sight of him. He knew how that felt and he couldn't help but feel horrible that Niall now knew too.

"We're engaged." Zayn said, looking Niall's mother in the eyes. Her own eyes widened as she shook her head.

"No." she said, "This is simply not happening."

"We're grown adults now," Zayn said, standing up for them.

"It doesn't matter!"


A harsh smacking sound interrupted Niall. He choked on his own tears as he felt the tingling sensation on his now red cheek.

"You are not my son," she sneered, "No son of mine is a fag! No son of mine is a fool that falls in love with a man!"

Niall was already gone before his mother could hurt him anymore. He had disappeared up the steps to quickly so that he couldn't see what Zayn was about to do.

"No!" He screamed, "No mother of his should be treating him this way! You remind me of my parents! And where are they now?! In fucking prison!"

Niall's mum glared at Zayn with fury, but he blew it off.

"Have some respect..." he sneered before running after Niall, leaving Maura speechless.


Zayn climbed up on the roof where he knew Niall was hiding out. He could hear his cries from the hallway. He had been screaming and wailing, knowing no one would even bother to wonder who was suffering.

The blanket that Zayn held in his hand became heavier

Zayn's heart broke at the sight in front of him. Niall had his knees in his cheeks, while tugging on his beautiful blond locks. He immediately ran over to Niall and wrapped his arms protectively around him. He then replaced his arms with the wool blanket, thinking of how cold Niall was without a jacket.

But Niall didn't want a blanket. He wanted Zayn, so he pulled Zayn under the blanket and cried into the crook of his neck. Zayn wrapped his free arm around Niall again and held him close. Niall held onto Zayn as if he'd walk away at any minute.

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