Chapter 24: Runnin'

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*Last time on Monster (Book 2) (Bad Wolf Series)*

I take off running and it's like everything happens in slow motion. I take off running towards the landing deck, Tyson tries to chase after me, Stark is too angry and shocked to move, the Avengers also try to grab me but their all too slow.

I get to the edge of the landing deck and without looking back, I jump.


I manipulate the air around me to make me fly up and I use the wind to get as far from the tower as possible. I end up in Long Island within two minutes. I gently drop myself onto the sand of a secluded part of the beach that was scattered with thin trees.

I go over to a group of large boulders that are bunched together and I easily climb it. I sit on the very top and I quietly sigh. I gently run a finger over my cheek that was still bright red from where Tony slapped me.

This was the last straw. Yeah, I could handle the first time but this, this was the end and I was not putting up with this again. I am so lost in thought that I don't even realize the figure approaching me and sitting next to me.

I do notice the person whenever they suddenly start to speak.

"Hello." I look over to see Catastrophe,

I just roll my eyes and stare back out at Long Island Sound.

"If you want to kill me, go ahead." I say with a shrug.

"I'm not going to kill you. Yet. What happened?" She asks looking at the prompt hand print on my cheek.

"Oh ya know, father issues that turn into him slapping me. He's not even my father." I say the ending with a low growl.

I sigh and turn back human form, not wanting any mortals to see my ears and tail.

"Yeah, I know how you feel." She says also looking out at the water too.

"My father was so hell bent on trying to kill me when I was younger. He said that a daughter was a disgrace. Then one night, Chaos got turned and turned me. I killed my father in the end, problem solved." She says.

"I can't really kill Stark, him being Tony Stark and all. It wouldn't be good." I say.

"But he hurt you! Just kill him, no one will get hurt again." She says looking over at me.

I sigh and look down. No one would get hurt again and maybe, just maybe, everyone else will be out of danger.

"Think of it like this, one life to save thousands. Do you know how many people died because of Stark industries? You can redeem so many lives just by killing one man. Look at it my way, Chaos and I, we're not the bad guys. You can join us, we can be a new era, you don't have to live life as a monster." She says looking at me.

I weigh my options.

Catastrophe has a good point. Many did die because of Stark and many more soon will also. Stark makes mistakes and never pays for them, everyone else does. But, Tyson.

"Okay, but you have to promise one thing." I say glancing at her.

"Depends." She says raising an eyebrow.

"You have to leave Tyson and the rest of the Avengers alone. That is of course unless the other Avengers try to hurt us." I say and she smirks.


We shake hands and stand up. I don't know if this was the right choice and looking back on it now, I wish I hadn't made that deal. But I did and soon, I find myself walking with Catastrophe on the way to the new place I'll call home for a short while.

Not only that, but I also find myself running. Running away form everyone, all the problems, everything. Even if it's for a short while, all I could do now, was keep running.


Another chapter! Oh, yeah! I'm on a roll. Anyways, to keep this short, thank you all for reading and remember:

~We will Avenge and Prevail, we are the Fallen Angels~


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