Chapter Ten: Reminiscing

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Chapter Ten

Tyler's POV

The hot morning sun shone onto my bare back, causing a burning sensation on my skin that cause me to rouse from my deep sleep. I groaned quite sleepily and rolled off of the top of Melody, who was still fast asleep. In the shade of some leaves guarding me from the sun, I lay down back onto the ground and prepared to fall asleep again. Instead of feeling my soft pillow against my skin, all I felt was scratchy sand. Huh? Where was I?

Furrowing my eyebrows, I sat up and ran my hand through my disheveled bed hair, the look that all of my female conquests found sexy, as they've told me. I glanced around, feeling a bit confused. It seemed as if I had spent the night in the woods with a girl. All of a sudden, everything came back to me. I smiled a lazy grin at the sleeping form of Melody. Boy, she sure knew how to leave a guy feeling contented.

I soon realized I was stark naked, and started pulling on back my clothes. My plan was to be heading back to my camp as soon as possible, and to get Melody back to hers too. If we were caught like this we could both have been kicked out of the camp, and wouldn't be readmitted ever again.

The sound of deep breathing met my ears. I looked over at Melody, who had just awaken from her long nap. She smiled shyly at me.

I grinned saying, "Morning, sunshine," as I leaned over to kiss her.

Melody giggled. "Morning, handsome,"

I smirked. "So are we heading back to our camps or what?"

Melody tilted her head to gaze into my eyes."I dunno," she said, then glanced down at her watch,"We've still got a whole hour to kill before everyone rises and goes to the mess hall for breakfast,"

"You're right. So are you up for more?" I asked her.

Melody wiggled her eyebrows. "You bet I am, Hudson,"

I yanked off my shirt and settled on top of her bare chest once more, devouring her completely with kisses. Melody had the softest, fullest lips I had ever tried in my entire life. She was better at this stuff than my girlfriend Sarah was even. Sarah was a virgin when she and I first got together, and I had to teach her everything she knows. It was always something I used against her when she started acting like a jealous bitch.

Sorry if this is all a little two explicit for you. It's just the type of guy I am. I'm a man whore, so deal with it, losers.

Melody and I became so involved once more that I could not deny her as she reached for my belt. I lay back and let her experienced hands do what they did so well.

A crackling in the bushes caused me and her to freeze in our tracks. We both glanced about wildly, expecting some mad, shocked counsellors to be coming at us with threats of various kinds. Instead, it was just some random raccoon scouring up scraps of food. Melody and I laughed and continued what we were doing.

When we were done, Melody and I lay back, our bodies entertwined. The only sounds I could hear apart from the sounds of nature was her heavy breathing.

"You are so good, babe," I said as I nuzzled my nose into her sweet smelling brunette hair.

" are you," Melody murmured back.

It was such a downer that I had to be heading back home in New York in just nearing a week. A guy sure could get used to this type of life. Not that the Manhattan girls weren't hot or cute. It's just that life here at camp was stress free and relaxing. All I had to do was hang out with the guys, play soccer and hustle the Ravenwood gals around here.

But back at home, ever since my selfish mother walked out on my dad with some prick she had met at the Russian circus of all places, my life has been turned upside down. My dad was always busy and often left me, as the oldest kid, in charge of my little sister Susie. Most of the time I just called up Sarah as a sitter for her and went on my own journeys, mostly to the nearby bars or the cheerleading tryout, where the guys would hope to catch a glimpse of the girls in their skimpy clothes.

Of all the people in the world, I loved my little sister the best. So far she was the only one happy to have me around and the only one who had never betrayed me. I don't care shit if I sound like some mushy kid. Susie was my life. I'd do anything for my sister. You might be wondering what my dad has done to me to make me so mad at him too? Well, I'll tell you what he's done.

He goes out evey night drinking, and comes back home totally wasted, ready to lash out at me or Susie any instant. I won't allow her to take the hurt an innocent child as her surely doesn't deserve, so I take them all for her. Dad cusses us sometimes and even threatens to kick us both out. He even brings home random skanks and strippers from the bar he drinks at. That's what has been going on ever since he lost my mother to that Russian bastard. Up until a few months ago, he has behaved this way. Now he's completely changed.

I've learned quite a few things from my dad, too.

I've learned to be a player like he was. I've learned to drink until I get wasted. I've learned how to crawl into bed with random girls at parties I freely get to attend on the weekends. I've also learned to be a hard worker to get people off my back. It's evident in my 3.7 GPA. Good grades are the ultimate key to keep my dad off my back about what I do. And what I do is my business.

"You okay?" Melody asked, concern lurking in her endless blue eyes.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine," I stammered, caught off guard.

Melody doesn't look convinced. "If you wanna talk its-"

"I said I'm fine!" I snapped.

"Oh, Tyler,"Melody sighed, reaching a hand up to my cheek.

I slapped her hand away roughly. A look of hurt crossed over her face. I couldn't stand being pitied by others. It makes me seem vulnerable and weak. And I for one, am neither of the two.

We sat in silence from the time being.

I snuck a glance over at Melody. I could tell she was hurting big time inside.

"Mel, look at me," I said to her.

"No," She said angrily.

"Look at me," I repeated edgily.

She did, a look of anger plastered onto her face,

"I'm sorry I hit you just now. You must realize that that's the type of guy I am," I said.

"You know what I thought at the beginning of this camp?"asked Melody. "I thought you were a different guy, never mind that you were a player. I thought you could actually care for a girl like me deep down. But now I know you're just like Timothy and the rest of them,"

Her words shocked me.

"Hey, you knew I was a player," I said defensively. "I didn't ask you to come to me, now did I, sweet Melody?"

"No, that's what I regret," snapped Melody.

"That's what I don't get with girls like you. You know guys like me don't go for committments. I just screw around." I said to her.

Melody sighed. "It's pointless in arguing with you,"

"Look, I'm sorry if I hurt you. None of this wil matter in the school term in September anyways," I pointed out.

"You're right," Melody agreed.

We sat there in silence once more. I was contented with being friends with her for the rest of camp, and maybe next year if Melody did return to Ravenwood. I realized that Melody wasn't just some random slutty girl. She was just a bit confused in her life. Someday she would meet the guy that was right for her.

I wasn't the guy.

And I knew that someday I'd meet the girl who was right for me, too. It's funny, a player saying that, huh?

Deep down inside, I knew Sarah wasn't that girl.

But who was?

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