Chapter 1: Run

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The word played again and again in my head as a constant reminder.


It's too late Alice just run.


You were basically born running it's not exactly a problem for you.


Tears I hadn't noticed I'd cried ran down my cheeks but I carried on running.

I can't.

My legs shook from exhaustion as I slumped against the harsh wall. My back ran down the metal and I fell into a mess.

Stop crying. Please. Just stop crying.

A scream sounded and I sprinted down the stairs.
"Mum?!" I called out, my knife in hand: ready to fight.
"Mum...?" The next time I called it was barely a whisper.

Before me was my mother's body sprawled on the floor in a pool of deep crimson. Blood was continuing to flow from her countless wounds.


My hands still trembling, I reached inside my backpack and brought out my journal. It had all sorts of rubbish written in it along with some notes for hunting.

My mum was a hunter, a bloody good one too. I was still learning the ropes though.

I then got out my mum's journal, she made me promise her I wouldn't' read it until I had to.
I was never quite sure what she meant by this but I felt as though now was the right time.

My eyes scanned across the pages in a rush. A tear fell onto the murky yellow of the corner and I wiped my eyes.



My eyes then fell on an envelope sticking out of the top, I flipped to the last page and took out the paper.
Inside was a birth certificate: mine.

I then realised it would have my father's name on it. What if he was still alive? He was a hunter, right?

Mum never told me what his name was for our safety and his.

Sam Winchester.

I frowned in thought- never heard of him.

I then looked up to the sky and did something I hadn't done since...well...I don't even know.

I prayed.


"Hey? Uh, God? I think. Or an angel. I don't know...
I'm in a bad way...
I just need some help.
Some sort of assistance would be nice...?
I'm looking for my dad, Sam Winchester," my eyes misted up again and tears threatened to fall "Help me. Please."

Once again I was in a mess. I brought my knees up to my chest and buried my head between them. Sobbing.

"I love you mum." I whispered between whimpers.

"I'm so sorry."

Before I'd got the sentence out I caught a blurr of motion to my left. My head instantly rose from it's resting position and I wiped my eyes to clear my view.

Standing before me was a serious looking man with a light brown trench coat on. His eyes were a strange mixture of sympathy and authority.

Instinctively, I reached for my blade and held it in front of myself.
"W-who are you?" I demanded, thrusting the knife threateningly. My voice came out shakily and I struggled to breath.

"Don't fear me, Alice. I am not to harm you. My name is Castiel and I'm an angel of the Lord." He put his hands out to present his lack of weaponry and I lowered the blade sightly. Slightly.

"You expect me to believe that?!" I spat, feeling suspicious and yet annoyingly open-minded.

"You prayed did you not?" He squinted in confusion and his head tilted slightly.

"...yeah. I didn't think it would work though." I admitted, struggling to decide whether I should believe him or not.

"You have faith, Alice. Whether you think you do or not." He assured me, smiling for the first time. It was a warm smile that sent a wave of security over me.

"Why would you want to help me?" I asked, not noticing how much I'd lowered the blade until now.

"I know your father...and his brother. They're hunters, just like you."

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