Chapter 7: Journal

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My Dad and Uncle followed my gaze to the cupboard. "Let's hope it's in there otherwise I'm out  of ideas." Uncle Dean declared, swinging his iron rod around. My Dad shot him a look and he stopped abruptly, after he was satisfied Uncle Dean had stopped he rolled his eyes and tried the handle. "Locked." He simply said, turning to face us.

"Okay then, we pick the lock." I shrugged.

"Do you even know how to pick a lock?" Uncle Dean scoffed, brushing past me and setting work.  folded my arms over my chest and watched. After a good five minutes I knelt down next to him and tugged the pick from his hands, within a minute it opened "Do you even know how to pick a lock?" I mocked, smirking. 

"I worked it up for you..." He muttered.

"So nice of you!" I smiled sarcastically, swinging open the door.

"Okay," Dad said loudly, breaking apart the sass-off "Is that it?" He nodded towards something with his head. I glanced down to see the exact toy Jack refused to let go of just a day before. It was fat and had a pair of dungarees on. It was almost cute, but there was something about it that made it not so.
"Ew." Uncle Dean grimaced, I laughed, picking it up from the shelf and tossing it in his direction. he caught it and got out his lighter.

"Yeah, not in the house, Dean!" Dad tutted, shoving past him. I followed on behind, feeling bad for the boy.

Me and My Dad watched as Dean burned the elephant. In the burning flame, of all things I wondered if the toy had a name- I felt bad for not asking Jack.
"How are you feeling?" My Dad asked, his eyes not leaving his brother, but his head turned slightly to me when he spoke. I shrugged, realising he hadn't seen it I then spoke "I'm okay." I said. 

I couldn't tell if it was a lie or not. I was still in mourning for my Mum, I still missed her, and I still expected to see her when I turned the corner sometimes. But I felt strangely okay. Not the type of okay that would last a life time, but the type that's good enough to get you through the day.

"Are you sure?" He asked. Not in a rude way, his voice was calm and sympathetic and he was now looking at me. I didn't look back, I saved my voice and nodded slowly, watching as the toy turned to ashes. 

"You're a good hunter from what I can tell." He pointed out.

"I had a good teacher..." I mumbled, remembering the first time my mum explained the supernatural world to me.
"You sure did." He gave me a tight smile.

"So does that mean I can still hunt with you?" I asked. I hated asking things of people, feeling like I was reliant.
"Something tells me we'll be needing your help," He laughed under his breath "But I'm still gonna keep an eye on you. I don't want you getting hurt." 

"I don't particularly want me getting hurt either." I huffed and he chuckled.

"Well I'm glad that's over, lets skedaddle." Uncle Dean declared, rubbing his hands together and shutting the cupboard.

"Wait." A voice came from behind the three of us. It was Cas.

"Dude, enough with the apparating!" Uncle Dean called out in surpirse.

"Sorry, Dean. But, Alice, I need to talk to you."He looked at me with the same stern eyes I'd seen the first time I met him.

"Uh, okay?" I said.

"No not here, I need something first. It's complicated." He began looking around the room and frowning, trying to think of somewhere good enough to go.

"Why?" My Dad stepped in firmly.

"I told you. It's complicated. Alice, we need to go now. It's also very urgent." 

I looked up at my Dad and forced a convincing smile "I'll be fine don't worry." I reassured him.

He seemed to relax a little at my words and nodded, "Okay, Cas, look after her and make sure she get's back to the bunker unharmed."

"Yeah, any harm comes to Alice and I'll kill you-" Uncle Dean began but I cut him off.

"Nope, I'll kill you." I huffed, stepping towards the angel who pressed his fingers to my forehead. We were transported I gasped, we were back in England, back in my old house. Where Mum had died. I looked about the emptiness of the building, my eyes prickling with tears.

"Cas...Why did you take me here?" I asked turning to face him.
He sighed and gave me a soft look "Alice, there's something your mother never told you," He began searching through draws and cupboards "Something important. Did your Mother have a book, a journal or something, something she wouldn't let you look at. It could be in scroll from but I doubt-" He then stopped when he saw me rummaging in my backpack. "You mean this? I had it with me, we don't need to be here." I said firmly, trying to hint at the fact that I wanted to leave.

"Okay, good." He reached for the book but I pulled away. 
"Why do you want this?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowing suspiciously.
"Alice. You're not fully human." 

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