Chapter 3

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Isabel's POV:

The fact that I, Isabel Maya Jones, was going on a date with Liam Knight was totally unbelievable. This past week, I waited patiently. Now the time has come. Liam had called me earlier today to make sure we were still on for tonight, I giggled as I said we were. We were going to the movies and then we might do something else.

When I had told my friends that Liam had asked me out, they were pretty excited. As much as I was actually. Stella hugged me and started jumping with Chloe while Caroline stood there with the same look I had.

"Are these our actual friends? Why do we choose to be seen with them.?" She had whispered to me.

I decided to tell my family that I would be going on a date. My mom was thrilled and Seth and Dad were surprised. But they still seemed happy for me. At school, Liam and I would walk together in the halls and sometimes he and his friends would sit with us at lunch. There was this one time where our hands brushed up against each other and I smiled. Liam didn't pull away. Instead, he just intertwined our fingers together. A few people had turned to look at us but we didn't mind. At least I know he didn't. I wasn't too used to having people stare at me.

We had passed Nicole and her friends though. Man, if looks could kill. She kept staring at us all day. Sometimes with an angry face and other times with just curiousity. At one point I got tired of it so I waved at her like an annoying person would wave at a celebrity. I gave her a big smile and said, "Hey Nicole! What's up, girl? Really rocking those shoes!" She didn't seem pleased by that though. Liam had squeezed my hand though.

We had also passed Tyler, and he didn't seem happy either. I wondered why. We haven't talked since that day in the Nurse's Office. He's been hanging out with the popular-rebel kids and Melissa. They seemed pretty cozy with each other. I tried ignoring it but it was a little hard.

I heard the doorbell ring and my stomach had butterflies flying around. I grabbed my crossover bag and cellphone. As I went down the stairs, I texted Stella about where I was going. Then I checked myself in the mirror we have on the wall right across from our stairs. I smiled at my outfit I had managed to put together, I was wearing some skinny jeans with long brown leather boots and a gray and white striped sweater with a brown belt that went around my waist. My hair was loose around my face.

"Hey Liam." I said once I reached him. He smiled at me warmly.

"Ready to go? You look great by the way." I blushed and put my hair behind my ears. We said goodbye to my parents who looked eager about me going on my first date. On the way to the movies, we talked about a lot of things. I liked how with him, the conversation wasn't awkward at all. He talked about football and the big game and I talked about my friends and my interests.

At the movies, we ran into lots of people from school. I felt weird about it because everyone was staring. "As if one week at school wasn't enough." I murmured.

"They're just jealous that I'm here with the prettiest girl in the world." Liam whispered in my ear. "Now c'mon. Let's get inside. I've been waiting to see this movie for months."


Tyler's POV:

I walked down the halls with Melissa on one side of me and my new friends on the other. Mark and John seemed pretty cool. We weren't best friends yet but we got along and I usually hung out with them whenever I wasn't busy with Melissa.

I said bye to the guys and then turned to Melissa. "I'll see you at lunch, alright?" I kissed her on the cheek and went to class. I took my seat next to Isabel in Bio. Usually she'd be sitting here already, but today she wasn't.

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