Chapter 1

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Sarah P.O.V

I watch as the plane slowly started to land on the ground. It was night, and I was on this stupid,not, plane for hours. I like traveling on plane by the night, it makes it so much easier for me to fall asleep, but this time I couldn't sleep, due to the fact that this guy In back of my kept pushing my sit and the woman next to me kept talking to me throw the whole flight. She was an older women, I didn't want to seem rude, but I actually like talking to her, she remind me so much of someone ever close to me. She said she was spending a few months her and then going back to her home. Also She was telling me about her grandson who was the same age as me but before she could tell me anything she fell asleep, I was bored for an 1 hour until finally we landed.

I turn to find Marie, the older woman I was speaking of still asleep. I guess she didn't feel the plane land. I didn't want to wake her up but people were already out and me and her were the last ones. I gently shock her shoulder.

"Marie..." I said.

She heard me and open her eyes. She look at me and gave me a huge smile.

"We had landed and need to get off the plane." I said to her.


I said goodbye to Marie and grabbed my suite case and walked out of the airport looking for a taxi. Wow. LA looked amazing at night. It's beautiful, but busy as well. You could tell.

I shock my head and started looking for a taxi. A few seconds a taxi stops right in front of me, the driver gets out and gives me a gentle smile I turn. He grabs my suite case and puts in the trunk. Then he opens the door for me. I thank him and he closes the door and walks to the other side of the taxi and gets in.

"where to?" He asks.

I tell him where and he nods. I looked out the window and enjoy the view of LA. It was my first time here and now my new home.

Oh my bad, I never introduced myself. My name is Sarah Carpenter.Am 17 years old and am in my last year of high school. I had to move here to live with my grandma because I had no one else to stay with, my parents are dead and she is my only family. I used to live in New York City but not anymore, my grandma lives here in California and seen I am not 18 years old yet I needed some one to stay with or else they would send me to an orphanage until I turn 18. My parents lawyer had arrange everything for me to come here, I wasn't suppose to come by myself but some how my parents lawyer figure something out for me to travel alone.

I hadn't seen my grandma for years seen I was 7, as far as I can remember she is the sweetest person and so kind. I was happy I had her. She was the only person who love me I had left. Though I had never been in California. She always came to visit us not the other way around.

My parents had left me money for college and other stuff. Everything they owned and had was left to me, but I couldn't do anything with it until I turn 18 and start going to college. That was one of the rules. Though I didn't think I want anything left from them. It just all brought memories back I didn't want to think about.

"We're here, Ms." The taxi driver said and got out of the taxi. I shake those thoughts away and grab my bag and got out of the taxi. The driver was taking my suitcase. He handed it to me and I handed him the money.

"Let me get you the change." He said.

"No, please. Keep the rest." I said smiling to me.

"Thank you, you are very generous." He said smiling at me and getting in the taxi and driving away.

I sighed and turn to face the house that now is my home. The house wasn't huge or small, it was just normal. My grandma had money but she never used it. But I liked that about her, she like living close to other people, having neighbors and all. I looked around the neighborhood, some people were staring at me probably wondering who the hell I am. I didn't do anything and ignore the looks.
I sighed and walked to the door. But before I could get there my grandma walked out. She was smiling like crazy. I left my suite case and walked to her and hugged her. As soon as I hugged her the feeling I didn't want to fell rush throw me. Pain. Memories of my parents and siblings death came back, it hurt like hell. This is what I needed to hug someone that knew the pain I was feeling and would hold me while I cried. But I didn't want to cry, I knew my grandma miss my mom as much as I did. Even if my mom wasn't the best mom, not to me. But she was her daughter. And I needed to be strong for my grandma not cry. So I smiled the best I could and separated from the hug.

"Look at you ..... You grow to be a beautiful young woman." My grandma said to me. I knew she was on the edge of crying, and I didn't want her too.

"Let's go inside I made you those chocolate chip cookies you love." She said.

I smiled widely. "Fresh out of the oven?!!" I said with excitement.

"Just how you come on." She said pulling me with her. I grabbed my suite case and walked with her inside as she started talking to me.

It started to feel like home already. I was happy to be with my grandma. Maybe this would be a great year.


Arthur's note - hey guys so first chapter not long kinda of short and you don't know much about her yet but  In the next chapter you we will meet Peyton.  Thank you for being patient with me to put up the first chapter! I hope you like this. Comment and vote! Bye

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