Chapter 2

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A/N- Song for chapter- Smoke and Fire by the one and only Sabrina Carpenter! And can I just say the song is amazing!

Gives me so many ideas for a fanfic and video edits! And I will make video edits! I think also a Fanfic but who know ;)

Enjoyy :)


Peyton P.O.V

I walked inside my house. Closing the door behind me slowly and trying not to make noise. I safely close it and walked slowly trying not to make noise again. The noise that the floor was making was actually helping at all. I had to stop for like 5 seconds and then take a step, and yes if your asking I am trying to sneak in my own house. Why you may ask? Well let's just say if my mom catches me, am dead. I was suppose to be here early for dinner and clearly I wasn't if not I would not sneak in.

I was half ways to the stairs when I heard a loud cough, hearing that almost all my life I knew exactly who it was. I didn't want to turn around and face my angry mother, but I knew it would be worst if I ignore her and the punishment would be much worst also.

I turn around, and there for sure stood my mom half ways through the living room with her arms crossed, narrowing her eyes at me.

"Hey mom." I said scratching the back of my neck, a thing I did when am nervous. I gave her innocent smile.

"Don't give me that smile, where were you?" my mom said with a tone I knew too good.


"Don't, your 15 minutes late. We will talk about this later, come on you made us and your grandma wait enough for you." she said.

It took me a few minutes to realize what she said.

"Wait... Grandma is here?" I said with excitement. I hadn't seen in a year.

"Don't be too happy your sti-"

"Aww come on dear, give the boy a break." Grandma said coming out of the kitchen cutting off my mom.

I smiled and ran and hugged her. " I miss you." I whisper.

"Aww, honey I miss you too."

"Mom...." My mom said to grandma.

"Oh come on, give him a break, he didn't know I was coming. But am here now, lets just have dinner. Shall we?" my grandma said pulling my hand following her in the kitchen.

"Thanks grandma." I said giving her a kiss on forehead.

We walked inside, there was only 3 plates on the table. There use to be 7 plates. It use to be both my parents, my two sisters, and brother, but not anymore, now it was just me, mom, and grandma, and sometimes my friends. But the others, they are gone, and they aren't coming back.

I shake my head, and help my grandma sit down.

"Thank you honey. " my grandma said to me.

I nodded and walked to the other side of the table to sit down.


3rd P.O.V.

Half ways throw the dinner, Peyton asked his grandma " So grandma how long are you staying?"

His grandma glance at his mom, and they stare at one another, like they were speaking to each other just by staring.

"Is something wrong?" he asked.

"No honey, nothing is wrong." his mother said. But he knew something else she wasn't telling him. He was close to his mom, more seen she and his grandma was all the family he had left.

"Just tell me.." he said.

His mom sighed and took a deep breath.

"You know how my job is.... right?"

Of course he knew, she was traveling a lot, but not for like the last years, she had stop right after the accident. And now she work just here in LA.

Peyton just nodded his head.

"Well, they have decided to change me just working here in LA. I will be traveling again."

Peyton drop his fork, shock of what his mom just told him. He couldn't believe she was leaving again, after these years she decide to go back to that kind of job, where rarely even sees her.  Peyton couldn't say anything he was angry, disappointed, sad, but most of all worried. He didn't want to say anything thinking he might say the wrong thing.

"It just going to be for a while, sweetheart." she said giving him a gentle smile.

He looked up at her," How long is a while?" He asked his tone coming out a little angry.

"Some months, the company fired some people and until they get more for that job I will be doing it."

"That's what you said last time." he said annoyed.

She had told him the say thing some years back before the accident  that change their life. He blame her job, for noting being so close to his mom, she was always gone, and sometimes he wonder if she wouldn't be working so damn much and traveling so much the accident wouldn't have happen, and his sisters, brother and father would still be here. Don't get him wrong he didn't blame his mom, at first he did but he blame himself too. Maybe if he hadn't done what he did that night that accident wouldn't have happen.

"Peyton.....It won't, I promise." his mom said gently grabbing his hand and giving it a little squeeze trying to assure him that wouldn't happen.

Peyton didn't want to fight, he love his mom, and because of how much he loves her, he chose to believe her, maybe it won't it can be different.

"Okay."  he said.

His mom smile, and took her hand off his.

"Okay good..... I don't want to leave you alone though, your grandma will stay here a 3 weeks , then she is going to stay with your aunt Ana in Sacramento for two weeks and then she will come back here.  I will be gone for a 3 months. I expect you to behave and not to destroy the house please. You can have Mike or any of your others friends over or they can stay here if you want for a few days. School doesn't start until 2 weeks, but I expect you to actually show up at school, and no trades, oh and one more thing please don't bring girls to hook up. And if you are please not in my room, keep it in your room. Oh and don't make your grandma have  a heart attack be gentle with her. NO parties."

"Yes mom. When are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow morning."

" I will drive you to the airport then."









Arthurs note- hey guys hope you enjoy this chapter. Kind of boring, You kind of got to meet Peyton. And Peyton and Sarah will probably meet in the next chapter. YEAH!  Well that's all I have to say. Comment and vote! And btw have you guys heard Smoke and Fire????????!!!!!!!!! its Perfect!

love you!


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