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 I love fanfiction, I just hate how people write fanfictions. 

1) When the OC is a younger brother/sister of someone who cannot have a younger sibling. Examples: Naruto, Harry Potter, etc. They can't have younger siblings because the parents died when they were infants. How the hell does that work! I don't think Lily can have some ghost baby. 

2) Twins. Again with a story like Harry Potter, Naruto, etc. If Harry had a twin then he wouldn't be called The Boy Who Lived, he would be called One of the Twins Who Lived. So no, Heart forbids. 

 3) Mary Sues. No one likes them, but why do people ALWAYS create them? Face it, not every guy in the book will fall at your characters knees and do their every will. At least make about three of the boys despise their guts and hope to cut their throat in the middle of the night, or you know, just dislike them.

 4) When the OC and the love interest just met five minutes ago and already are making out. Um what? Hey I just met you, and this is crazy! But here's my lips, so suck them maybe? 

 5) When someone does a fanfiction on something they do not know at all, and its obvious that they didn't do any research at all on the topic.

 6) Having too much going on at one time. I legit read a story once when the OC woke up, got to school, had a child, almost died, and became a demi-god on the first page.

 7) You are not going to go to Nandos and just find Niall Horan chilling out and he asks you to Simon's party randomly when he dosn't know you. 

 8) Not making sense. I remember one where it said: My parents died in a car crash, that's why I became a ninja and can't ride planes. Excuse me but what the legit hell! What does that have to do with planes and or ninjas? 

 9) If you sneak into a famous bands house they will not just smile and offer you hot coco, they will call the fricken police. 

  Ok, well thats it for now. I might do fanfictions part two, because alot of bad things can happen in a fanfiction. Heart out, byes! xoxo

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