Chapter 2 The New Students

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It's July in Gedonelune now and before it was June when they went on the trip and they just came back a couple days ago from brake.

Syphil P.O.V

Syphil: There are new students coming soon and I have find them.

So I look around and I see a girl with long black hair with green eyes and she's wearing the school uniform but she's not alone there was a boy that look similar to her at the front of the school.

Something about her was familiar but I couldn't quite figure it out. It was almost like I met her some where before but where?

???: Excuse me but are you the one hat is supposed to show us around.

Syphil: Those voices I would recognize that anywhere. Natalie and Nick is that you?

Natalie and Nick: Syphil!?!?

We all hugged each other. Since Nick and Natalie Hart were my best friends when we were little until they moved away from Reizen

Natalie and Nick: Syphil what are you doing here?

Syphil: I'm the one who is supposed to show you the headmasters office then show you around the academy afterwards.

I showed them to the headmasters office and when I was outside I took off my cloak and knocked on the door.

Syphil: I brought them like you asked.

Headmaster R.: Come in

I opened the door and inside was Headmaster R., Professor Schuyler, Professor M., and Perfect Klaus. So I let them in and I closed the door behind me and they bowed to the Headmaster and Professers.

Headmaster R.: Welcome to the academy Nick and Natalie Hart.

Headmaster R. said with a smiles and so did Professor M. but Perfect Klaus and Professor Schuyler kept a straight face.

Headmaster R.: Let me introduce you to Professor Schuyler.

Professor Schuyler: Hello

Headmaster R.: This is Professor Merkulova.

Professor Merkulova: It's nice to meet you.

Headmaster R.: Finally this is Perfect Klaus

Klaus: Hello

Nick: What's a Perfect?

Headmaster R.: A Perfect is the highest ranking student in the academy and he will be able to fill in if one of the professors cannot. But today we called you here to explain the "Buddy System".

Natalie: What's the "Buddy System"?

Headmaster R.: Did Syphil give you both an emblem when she met up with you?

Nick and Natalie: Yes.

Headmaster R.: Good, you must keep your emblems on your uniform at all times and you must not take them off. All the students in the academy have one emblem so you must not lose them.

Natalie: What happens if you lose your emblem?

Headmaster R.: That has never happened so don't worry about it.

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