Chapter 43 Day 4/4

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Syphil's P.O.V...

Today was the final day and today Elias and I are going. Elias was going to be in the traditional magic while I participate in the animal category. Today I felt like it was going to be a lot more different than the other three. Right now I was in the stands with everyone else and shikigumi was in my place who was with my family. I felt some powerful presence but I didn't think that it was real so I just brushed it off. Elias was the first to go onto the field and I was to go next.

Luca: Does anyone else feel some sort of powerful magic pressure?

Headmaster R.: Indeed there is something here causing this.

Syphil: I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels it.

Professor S.: Let's just hope that Elias isn't going to be effected by this magic.

We all stood in the stands worried by what could happen to Elias while he's out there. Just as I was thinking that the referee came onto the field.

Referee: Hier wir haben Elias Von G.R.M.A und Wolfgang Von C.P.M.A! (Here we have Elias of G.R.M.A and Wolfgang of C.P.M.A!)

Just like all the other times the bell went off. Elias was the first to make a move, he made bolts of lightning come at Wolfgang but he didn't move at all and just stood there. He was hit with the lightning and slammed against the wall of the stadium. Seconds later he stood back up easily and it didn't look like he was effected at all.

Elias: Huh?!

Wolfgang: *Snicker*

That was when Wolfgang casted a spell and the magic pressure that we felt earlier started to increase and it looked like he had control over the magic. I looked around and it looked like everyone else in the stadium wasn't feeling the pressure at all. The spell Wolfgang casted made was a spell that made anyone who gets hit with it become paralyzed and take their magic. Of course their magic returns but it takes a while for it to fully return. Multiple black orbs came at Elias but so far it has missed him but it looks like Elias was starting to miss the orbs less by less. Until it was when Wolfgang appear behind him while an imposter was right in front of him.

Yukiya: ELIAS MOVE!!!!

Yukiya yelled at Elias to move from where he was but... it was too late. Elias was hit... on his back and he crumbled onto the ground while everyone in the stadium all sat there in silence. I looked over at Klaus and the expression on his face was an expression I've never seen before. His face was mixed with anger, surprise, and sadness. I've have seen those emotions before but they were never combined. Everything was quiet until C.P.M.G started to cheer for him which made me quite angry. Klaus and I ran down to where Elias was and helped him to the infirmary but since Elias couldn't move we mostly just dragged him there. When we got him there many nurses and doctors came to his side and started to treat his wounds which were very severe even with the potions help. After that we went back to the stands to wait for the next duel.

Headmaster R.: Will Elias be alright?

Klaus: We do not know for sure ... but he is being treated very well right now so maybe.

Randy: If Elias was hurt that badly then what about... Syphil?

I seen everyone's face turned pale but not as pale as Klaus's. Still I do not know what's in store for me... all that I can hope is that I can stand up to them.

Professor S.: If you forfeit now then the academy will be put in danger.

Klaus: If she does not then she will be the one put in danger.

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