Grown up

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S/N I know that pic was 9weeks old but w/e he just looked too sexy I had too

6 yrs later

Chresanto's dad didn't come until 3 months later saying he had some thinking to do and decided that he wanted Chresanto to live with him you know what grandma India said " hell to the fuck nah!" So they went through this whole custody battle and guess who won ... papi did (Jeremiah) chresanto's been living there ever since .. Now seventeen he's gained anger issues and is even more antisocial earning the nickname roc for showing almost no emotion

(In school)

Chresanto was in his college prep literature class which was his 3rd block they were reviewing over the play "A Doll's House" by Henrik Ibsen

"Okay class who wants to read next?" Mr.billingsley said

Four students raised their hands

"Uhh..." Mr.Billingsley said scanning the room "Lorenzo, what about you, do you wanna read?"

Roc could've sworn he didn't have his hand raised

"Me?" Said a confused Roc

"No, the other Lorenzo." Damn sarcasm was everywhere

"Sorry, I think you didn't notice that I didn't have my hand up." Roc said so nicely

"Um did I ask you if you had your hand up or to read the next act?" This teacher was rude af

"If I wanted to read I would raise my hand, if my hand isn't raised don't call on me .......... cause I don't wanna read." Roc said pissed off

Mr.Billingsley was a 24 yr teacher he was mixed with black and puerto rican attractive he always thought he was bad because he knocked out a student last year....the student didn't return a pencil so he made a joke about not him having enough money to buy some of his own the student charged at him and a caught a fist to the face Roc had no idea why he didn't get fired but he didn't

Half of the students were laughing at Roc's comeback

"Why do I hear laughing?" Mr.Billingsley said

"Because you have ears duh." Roc said

"Don't get smart."

" I can't. You keep teaching me."

"Well I see how you talk to your mother." Mr.Billingsley said knowing Roc had lost his mom

Roc was so hurt he didn't know what to say. He was on the verge of tears he balled up his fist and bit down on absolutely nothing he felt his heartbeat everywhere even in his tongue he stood up ready to fight when Ms. Prey walked by seeing the encounter, being Roc's counsler she knew she had to stop it the class had their phones out ready to record a fight Roc charged. Mr.Billingsley ready to punch.when roc grabbed him picked him up (off the ground) and slammed him
The class going ooohhhhh as the teacher hit the ground Roc stared swinging at him on the ground Ms.Prey breaking the fight up while another student helping the teacher up.

(In the office)

"So you attacked him because you didn't want to read?" The principle Ms.Love said reading the referral

"No." Roc said not even wanting to explain the words were just playing over and over again in his head

"Well it says it right here clear as day." She paused thinking Roc would tell his side of the story "But you never talk you're so quiet, I know he did something to get you so upset, mind telling me?" She said just trying to get him to say something "Well I guess I'm going to have to suspend you."

Roc didn't say nothing just looked at her with a straight face

"Do you want me to call jerem-"

Roc cut her off by standing up And walking out her office

Roc was walking thinking
Why would Mr.Billingsley say that to him.
Was he trying to remind him about his deceased mother.
Was he trying to intentionally hurt him
Did he just try to make his reputation even better than it was before because Roc definitely messed that up for him
Roc never messed with nobody
He stayed to himself andinded his own business made good grades and surely a boy, well man with respect he always wanted to show his brother's and sisters the right way to live. He had 5 other siblings which are two set of twins and a 10 yr older

August (yes august alsina) and Anastasia ( pronounced ana-stah-c-ya) were twins 17 august was semi cocky which means he knows he's sexy but doesn't show off
Anastasia was a plain out thot and daddy's little princess she was always texting and talking to some dude who was going to smash and pass then kiss and tell every once in a while she'll come crying to her twin about how he played her one time Roc had to fight for her because august had sprung his ankle playing basketball it was a never ending story with her their mother was East African her name was anatist ( pronounced ana- teest). Jeremiah met her when he visited for a businesstrip, he was only there for 6 months and boom she was pregnant

Jacob (yes Princeton) and India were twin 16 Jacob was a hippie like misfit always eating organic shit and bathing with weird soaps their mother was black and crazy her name was halo it was her decision for them to live with their dad she was a partier and didn't want to take responsibility food her own kids that she lasted down and pushed out her vagyna

Ashanti 10 has the same mother as August and Anastasia she's just a sweet heart and has the poofiest hair you'd ever see

Being that Jeremiah was belizian they were all mixed

Roc walked in with august sitting on the sofa watching home alone 2

" in troouuubleee." August said in a mockingly child like manner

August who was already suspended for mooning a teacher on a dare was home

"He's mad?" Roc asked surprised his dad was always busy with work and barely noticed

"Nah I'm jus fuckin' with you, but Ms. Love did call doe."


"And what yoe ass doing fightin' da teacher."

"Tbh. I don't even know."

"What happened?"

"He started talkin' bout my momma and shit."

"I probably would've beat his ass too...and my momma ain't even dead."

"Nah I think yoe momma would've beat his ass...she crazy..with her African self."

Roc always felt way more comfortable around his siblings no matter how different they were he loved them til death and would anything for them

"True. But aye let's roll up."

They went on the balcony of the house and smoked he later went upstairs and got on social media
He seen his fought everywhere with captions like
"Bitch I sed ion wanna read" and "When your teacher gives you a 'F'"

He didn't like this type of attention but it was kinda funny he plugged in his headphones listening to "I don't wanna be a player" by Davo and drifted off to sleep

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