First Time Cursing

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9 months later (damn my spongebob is on fleek)

It was chresanto's 11th birthday and the first without his mother

He was living with his grandmother for the past 9 months and he missed his mother so much

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Bir........"

Chresanto didn't know what to do so he just watched everyone and smiled awkwardly like everyone else does when being sung happy birthday to

He blew his candles and everyone cheered and ate and enjoyed the party they took pictures holding up two fingers from opposite hands standing for the number 11 which represented the age he had turned,everyone had the best time. When they left grandma India had to pick up the mess

"Get yoe ass back in dat cage, tryna shit on my carpet." India said angry at the dog making more of a mess"Damn!"

Chresanto had never even read a curse word let alone heard one.Cindy never let him watch any t.v with bad language, let him hang around friends that had filthy language, and most of all never talked like that around him.

Chresanto was literally up all night trying to figure out what those words meant

The next morning

India was downstairs cooking

"Grandma are you cooking pancakes this time." "No Lorenzo. Just sausage,grits,and eggs" India said concentrating on the pot on the stove "Damn." Lorenzo blurted out. India looked at him with a "boy are you out of your goddamn mind" face "What did you just say?" She asked furiously "I said damn." He replied back like it wasn't a problem " where did you get that from?" "You." "Well that's a bad word chresanto Lorenzo Romelo August." "I thought you were suppose to say that when you're mad ,you did, I'm so sorry Nana I didn't know, it won't happen aga-.." " It better not, now go to your room until its time for breakfast." He obeyed and sat there for exactly 3 mins.

He came downstairs and ate

"You're not going to school today" India said

"What! Why?" Chresanto asked even though he wanted to scream YAY

Chresanto loved school and he always had a passion to learn but it was just the people there,he did live in Compton so, he thought they were mean which resulted in him being antisocial

"Because you're father wants to see you."

"No. I don't wanna see him, and Im goin' to school.". He said as he got his book bag about to go wait at the bus stop
India grabbed him before he could reach the door knob

"Who do you think you're talking to!" She said furiously

"I'm talking to you!" He looked her in her eyes with tears starting to stream down his face "I don't wanna see him." He says in silent cries." He's da reason my momma not here."
India just pulled him into a bear hug consoling him
"It's alright baby."India said with a more calm voice than earlier
"I'm sorry grandma." He said calming down

" I didn't know you felt that way about your father, holding things in isn't good for you , just let it out tell how you feel" she sat him down on the nearest sofa

" Well he's the one who calledy mom to drive here." He explains while lightly sobbing " she suppose to be driving anyways because she was pregnant. Right grandma?" India shook her head in confirmance " He should've drove to see me, in the child" he stops talking and wipes his tears "we didn't even make it a block from our house grandma." India pulls him into a hug which makes him cry harder " we didn't even make it a block." He was now crying hysterically

" I know its hard losing your mother, and even though your father makes you wanna say damn, he's still your parent and your gonna talk to him."

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