Meeting Mahogany

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(Anastasia in the picture)

Anastasia's P.O.V

"Wtf you mean its over?!?!......see that's all you lead me on and waste my time....were done I'm for real this time like seriously I'm do-.......hello? Ugh." I put my phone down and stared at the ceiling just thinking........ why me?

I picked my phone up and played "treat me like somebody" by Tink and just thought about all I go through home....all the hurtful things people say to me

"Aye, I heard you a hoe."
"Aye what dat mouf do?"
"I'll give you a twenty if you give me head."
"Hey Anathotsia."

I only had sex three times in my life with the same boy I don't see how that makes me a hoe

Apparently it was the wrong boy

Yep you guessed it. he told everyone every single detail about it
What I did to him and what he did to me

"Get outcho feelings!hahaha." Jacob yelled through the bottom of my door..ugh my brothers don't understand

I laid there til I drifted off to sleep

Roc's P.O.V

I was terrified after that dream well nightmare...I forgot half of that shit but my ass was drowning.

I shook it off and got up
I still was suspended but I was tired of staying home so I went to school

I walked because I had no car

When I got there I didn't go inside because .....I mean......I'm suspended. surprisingly it was hot as hell outside..the other day it was just cold as shit but whatever

I noticed some kids standing outside smoking. My my, the city of Compton.

I kept walking hoping that they couldn't see me

"Aye!" Somebody called out to me

I looked and couldn't recognize their face. They motioned for me to come here with their hand. I hesitated at first but decided to walk over. As I got closer I realized it was Kadance.

Kandance Townsend. Wide receiver on the football team.. Your average lightskinned pretty boy. He had dreads that reached to the center of his back, Tattos, emarld green eyes, and very conceited. He's very well known. I never talked to him because of my whole anti social vibe.he had 2 other dudes and a girl with him. When I reached him he had the biggest smile on his face.

My face was an opposite of his. My face was a mixture of "nigga wtf" and " nigga what the hell"

"So you the one who beat up Mr. Billingsley?"

All of a suddden an arupt laughter filled the air.

"What? What's so funny?" I asked getting mad

"You a muhfuckin G" he said with the same smile he had when I came. I actually wasn't I was just defending my momma

"Umm....thanks..I guess"

"Whats your name blood." He said motioning his hand for me to shake it? High five? I didn't know so I just lifted my hand up and he started trying to do some kind of secret handshake..when he realized I didn't know it he stopped trying.

"Call me roc."


"Just a nickname people gave to me?"

"Well I'm kadance." I already knew that " this is malik, kenderrick, and Monique."

I nodded in a way of saying hello

"Ain't you da one who go with my sista."Monique asked

"Mahogany?" I asked


"No. I don't know her."

She had a confused look on her face and pulled out her phone

"So dis aint chu?" She said showing me her phone

I couldn't believe it. It was my lightskinned ass hugged up with the same girl. I grabbed the phone in disbelief. This couldn't be me.

"Hol up nie. Let me call my sista and let ha know you dis claimin ha."

She grabbed the phone out of my hand and dialed the number. I couldn't move. I was stuck, literally. She put the phone on speaker and a very sophisticated voice came out

" class." A girl who I'm guessing is Mahogany said

"Gurl, dis nigga out hea disclaiming you."



"Who tf is roc."

"Umm yoe boyfrien. Duh."

"My boyfriend's name is christian."

Omg !!! Who is christian

Why is Monique so damn ghetto

Why is Chresanto so fine

Why is pi such a long number

Why am I so aggravating

Find out next time on "REAL BITCHES OF TEXAS"

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