Standing Up

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Pewdiepie POV
"Hey Marzia?" I said. "Yes" Marzia said. "Wanna go to the park?" I asked. "Sure." She said smiling. We decided to walk since it was close. When we got there we sat on the park bench. I watched as the cherry bloosoms fell on Marzia hair. Gosh she beautiful. I thought to my self. As I was admiring her something caught my eye. This girl what looked like about 13 was swinging when a big group of girls mabey 15 or 14 came up and started to talk. I kept my on them. Then the 13 year old girl got up and walked away. Smart. I thought. Then what I assumed was the leader came up behind her and shoved her down. I got up and ran in the middle of them right before the 13 year old girl was about to pound that girl's face in. "Woah woah ladies calm down." I said a bit sarcastically. I turned to the 13 year old. A look of shock was plastered across her face. Then she just ran. For some reason I felt sympathy for her four some reason. I turned to the other girls and said dont touch her again. Then they just did some snobby "unh whatever" thing then walked away. Marzia walked over with a look of confusion. "What happened?" She asked. "Just some snobby girls teasing this other girl." I said. "Oh." She said "c'mon lets go home there is something I want to talk about." I said. When we got home we talked alot. We were already talking about it. But we wernt sure when. "We have an extra bedroom." I said. "Fine Felix. Lets do it." Marzia said smiling. "Thank you" I said hugging her. "I love you" I said. "I love you too." She said.

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